Okies in the BYC The Original

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Thanks everyone on the kind comments regarding the garden

what you see is what it exactly looks like as of yesterday morning and I admit I only water T- Th and Sat and everything is pesticide and fertalizer free

Right now all I have is Jalapeno's, Yellow Squash, Zucchini, 4 different types of Tomato's and cucumber.

Every toad the kids and I spot at night we toss in the garden for natural bug removal (I set up a "natural" Toad habitat inside)

I let in a baby turkey or bantam during the day to get the bugs at that time...

At this time the squash and zucchini are being made into loaves of Yummy bread for us to consume on those chilly fall and winter days...

Cucumber will be turned into pickles and the Jalapeno's into Jelly, Tomatoes I will blanch and use some up for my salads since I am the only one that likes tomato's in my family...
Jeannie : Are you having any problems with the birds eating the tops of your tomato plants, Latey they have been destroying mine, they just like the new tender growth, and the plants never totally recover after that.

Howdy folks

got home without incident...wife didn't yell too much.

will be spending some time at school getting stuff ready for kiddos...must get more batteries for the shock collars...oops...was I thinking out loud again.
I havent had any tops missing off the plants in fact my tomato plants are very flowery

Correction: My tomato ( especially my cucumber plants) are blossoming with flowers which I hope will attract some bee's and butterflies...
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Hey guys! It's been super busy at work...at least it makes the work day go by faster!

I gave my ooooooold black mare a bath yesterday when I got home...that has been the most comfortable I have been outside for the last few weeks. It felt great in the shade splashing around with the hose...plus I know my mare felt like a true lady again. For anyone who knows my mare, knows that she is a true gentle lady, with a fur coat on! Tonight after work I might go bathe the goat too. Then on to the Percheron mare (now THAT is a job and a half! She weighs over a ton!) and who knows what else I might wash...it is just so nice to be outside and not miserable in the heat.

Whatcha all doin' today?
Hi Funchick,

Just here working....doing what needs to be done...answer phone, ...check in dog,....answer phone, ...check out dog....do load of laundry (towels)...answer phone.....clean up mess...answer phone...watch clock, etc., etc.
Yes Al, I will be going as of right now, just got bad news on my cousin. I'm pretty sure the threesome has been texting or messaging or something about the upcoming event. LOL.
Evening to everyone that is here, I think that there was a party and I didnt get my invitation. Looks as though I will be rebuilding my flock, what ever it was got all of my laying stock except for one, then the kids have there silkies and cochins.

I have been asked where I have been and I will tell everyone.

There are times that you have to step back and re-evaluate life. So, I did and decided that I would take the summer off and spend it with the family. But the bad news is, that my kids summer is done and now, and I will be on here a little more than usual.

Al- I dont think that 2 years is enuff for that dress. I think that it needs to sit at least another year!!! And I had to retire mine I was changing my oil in it the other day and my wife says the dress shows to much leg!!

I havnt had a chance nor do I think I have the time to go back and read all of the post that I have missed. But I am sure that you all have heard of the hazing that took place in Kansas, well the kids were from a local town that I went to school and one of the kids that was involved was my nephew and is facing charges, all I ask is that you pray that this will turn my nephews life around because right now he is headed down the wrong path of life!!

Ok I will shut up now!!!!
You must have dropped off some of your load at various other locations on your way home if you didn't get "the look"

batteries are a great buy on Amazon.com - I ordered some for my ball cap that has the light in the brim - no shipping cost or tax and the batteries were about 1/4 the price they wanted at Walmart.
Q - sorry that your nephew appears to have made some bad decisions. Sometimes, it is as hard on the family as it is on the one being punished.

The idea of you changing your oil in that dress is ... is... is...

Sorry that you are having to rebuild your flock. You of course know that we are here for you and will do whatever we can to "enable" you along your path to re-establishing your flock.
What breeds are you looking for this time around?
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