Okies in the BYC The Original

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Morning all yall Okies. Evening here.

Al, get to feeling better soon ol' buddy.

Hope everyone has a great day. NOT to rub it in BUT,,,,, 84 degrees for the high today and sunshine.

We have had rain for the past 4 days. Down the mountain was 112 and dust storms.

Ol' Crusty
Morning Sooner, Morning Al!

Just got up to let out the chickens then heading back to bed. Was up until 3:30 this morning retro-fitting a brooder with new vent screens, supports for the waters and replacing the wire on the top. What a pain in the butt, and back and knees.
Needless to say it looks pretty darn good considering all that had to be done.
The reason I had to stay up late to get the brooder redone is cuz my chicks I ordered came in a week and a day early.
Something said to call Ideal and confirm shipping date. Low and behold the lady said they shipped yesterday afternoon. So I though I would have a night and morning to get the brooder redone but no...... The post office called me right before I got home letting me know the chicks had already arrived.
Well the brooder is redone. Uli asked me if I was going to install flushing toilets and a wet bar in it.

I am planning on attending the Cement auction this weekend. Have to pick up Piaget's husband this weekend.
Yes it is an arranged marriage and like most parents I feel I know what is better for my children more so then they do. I just know if Piaget picked her mate he would be some worthless bumm who would leave her in the end with a clutch of eggs all alone to raise them.

Sorry I get really silly when this tired.

I will hopefully be picking up some more peachicks today or tomorrow. Thanks Michael D for the info. Was supposed to call them last night but was a little way-layed by baby chicks and brooder retro-fitting. I think I will be good on peafowl for the year after that. I have 7 so far, with the addition of the adult male and a few more chicks. I am "In Like Flin"!!

Oh I forgot to mention. Set up a sprinkler hose for the chickens and llamas. Everyone is much happier and so far no more losses. The salmon faverolles pullet with the missing lower jaw died yesterday. It was sad but probably for the best. I still have 8 more pullets at that age, just received 5 in the mail yesterday and have two SF eggs that are developing under some of my hens. Not to mention the two roos and one adult hen I have. So we are ok on faverolles.

Well I hear the pillows on the bed calling sweetly to me. I hate with they gang up on me, just to weak to resist.

Everyone have a great morning. Stay cool today!
Thanks everybody doin Ok it's just a hassle is all, headed off to work, wanted to stay home today but we are setting about 25 cabinets and 3 counter top's today. I lost a few teenaged pullets to the heat yesterday and that was with watering twice dailey and they have shade and a fan, I think they can go a few day's but a couple of weeks of horrendus heat is just to much for some of them.

Morning Rebecca,
Try to get some rest. Yes, I will be glad to get back to Okie soil and be able to hug and kiss my sweetheart and son both. I
have him hug and kiss Momma for me and visa-versa. I just want to wrap my arms around them and do the job myself.

The mountains are beautiful, just don't look at the cities, full of trash. The best place to look at the country side is from 25,000 ft.

I wish I could send pictures of the area but due to security precautions, it is not allowed.

Ol' Crusty
Good Morning Baby,

Thanks for the wake up call. I told everyone the other day, that I bet you cant get a wake up call from afghanistan at a Holiday Inn. That I must be special... LOL

I have got to take care of the animals here, prep the concession for tonight and head out to the Gorilla Sale.

Hot Dog is still snoozing. Little Night Owl.

I love you Baby! Please be careful.

YOUR Peaches
OOps! Didnt mean to Hijack. I saw that you were online and when I signed in, I automatically put Fletcherpoultryauction instead of Queen Peaches and didnt realized it until
My post posted....LOL

Do you know if you weren't so beautiful and if I didn't love you I would holler for you using my login.

Oooooopppppssssssss, I had better watch what I'm saying, they were calling me "Hi-Jacker"

I Love You Baby Doll. I hope you have a fantastic day and know that I love you.


PS.... use your login.
Do you know if you weren't so beautiful and if I didn't love you I would holler for you using my login.

Oooooopppppssssssss, I had better watch what I'm saying, they were calling me "Hi-Jacker"

I Love You Baby Doll. I hope you have a fantastic day and know that I love you.


PS.... use your login.

I was excited to be on the same time that you were, thats all...
Good morning everyone, Hey Doc!!!!!
It is nice here in NC OK, it rained nice yesterday evening,
brought the temps down some, nice out this morning!
Dakota just got in from running in football practice and lifting weights, he is really growing this summer, getting tall and muscled up!
Heather is growing like a weed, the brick keeps falling off her head!!!
LOL Dakota has to enroll in school today and Heather enrolls next week, school starts here on the 12th, whoo hoo!!!!
I am ready for school to start!!!!
I have had the week off(No Pay) and have gotten some stuff done but still have plenty to keep me busy! Did I mention that I had three baby Toppy Games hatch yesterday!!!!
Whoo Hoo they are out of my Cinnamon Pyle colored hen I got from Micheal and the Spangled Toppy Roo that I posted on here a while back, the chicks are a dusty grey color so hoping to see some blue from them!!!
Yall all have wonderful day, will drop in and out all day, have a blessed day!!! Lynn
Peaches & Doc, you guys are so cute!! I love reading your posts! I am so glad that you are both getting to keep in touch!!!

It's alittle cooler here today but no rain. I really need some rain to pack in the red dirt but I guess I will be putting a sprinkler on it because the rain is going to the north of us. Oh well.

I haven't posted about my scalped chick in a while. He/she is doing great, I am tired of it being in the house but can't put it with the others yet incase they start pecking at it. I am going to start putting it outside in the evenings tonight since it is going to be cooler!
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