Okies in the BYC The Original

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Morning Okie Peeps!

My department of 5 is all back in order!

That means a REGULAR day for me!

I went shopping for misters yesterday after physical therapy in Yukon. I found one (the last one Lowe's had) that stands by itself and hooks up to a regular garden hose. I needed more misters than that, so I asked a sales clerk what they had, if anything. Luckily they did! I got a misting system with 5 mister nozzles, 20 feet of tubing and everything needed to install it for less than $25 bucks. I am THRILLED! The chickens like it a lot too, and I can feel somewhat better that they have a place to hang out where it is cool. Their run is so huge that they have lots of places to go that aren't misted, but they really like the misting and hang out there a lot. Smart chickens!

Morning everyone! To bad you can't send pics Doc! Its amasing the differences in the weather there. Hope you get to stay up high where its cool.

Boy the heat is still on here. Advisory out today and a warning in some areas. I have been out watering and feeding and corraling chicks! When they start out on free range they are much smarter birds. Its hard to confine them. They can find holes that the brooder raised ones never see! Had another hen hatch yesterday. She was one of my turkens but not her eggs. Looks like some more comets and rocks. I have several comet colored turken roos! they are really cute.

Went ahead and pulled a bunch of weeds from one iris bed. Gave them to the confined birds and they were happy! I love iris but they are like strawberries,its hard to keep the weeds out. I have found it easier to let them get big(the weeds) and then pull them. It makes it look like you really did something then!lol.

My birds are staying cool so far. The pens are covered by gourds so that helps.

Everyone take care today.
I've tried misters before and they worked great for a little while, but my water (well) has so much sand that it clogs things up in a hurry...even with a filter before the storage tank. I gave up on drip watering for my garden too. It was a full-time job just to keep it functional with my sandy water.
Hi everyone!
Well no sleep for me.
I will wait til Uli gets home and then take a nap.
I have a sprinkler hose I set up to run by both grow out pens and in the yard. It was one I purchased at Habitats for .25 a year ago and it works great. Some of the salmon faverolles and partridge cochins are not to thrilled by the heat, so I gave them a little boost and have the sprinkler ending at the pen so they can get in the water if they want.

So I have a facebook page and have found Farmville. I think getting on Farmville maybe a big mistake, cause I have animals and crops I have to take care of online and in real life.
What was I thinking?
Speaking of harvesting my crops better go get that done.

Have a great day everyone!
Boy, am I in a bad mood. I had to do my annual fire extinguisher stuff....the guy just left...he was here about 2 minutes (literally)...just changed the tags, didn't do ANYTHING else, but changing the tags makes the fire extinguishers O.K. Cost $30. I guess I couldn't put a fire out if the tag didn't have the right date on it.

While I'm being mad, I'm mad at ONG too. I ONLY use gas for the furnace. I get a bill every month for $25. to tell me I haven't used ANY gas. I can't even argue with these guys...they don't care!

Now I'm done. I don't feel any better yet. Maybe it takes a while. I probably better just get over it.
My 12 year old grandson asked me if I was on Farmville. I told him that I don't have time for Farmville - whatever it is since I don't dare check it out in case I find that I like it

By the time I spend 3 hours each day watering and feeding real life animals, I really don't want to "pretend" to own animals.
Since "fools rush in where angels fear to follow" and I am familiar with the rationale behind "minimum monthly utility bills", I will just say that the utility company incurs a charge to keep a meter located at your premise and to send someone by each month to read it, whether you are using gas or not. Rather than pass the cost of maintaining your meter to the other customers who are using gas during a particular month, the average annual cost to service each customer is assessed to each customer each month in the form of a "customer charge." If you use any gas, that is an additional charge.

I suspect the "explanation" doesn't make you feel any better
but there is actually a cost based reason for the way bills are done.
I set up a mister for my chickens
and it works great they seem to really like
it the only drawback to it is it makes a muddy mess in the area where it's over, I tried moving it higher but it mostly drifted out of the pen and watered the weeds so the chickies didn't get much of it but with the way the heats been I doubt the chickens mind some cool mud to play around in
I set my big 42 inch shop fan out at the end of the rabbits
area so they get some breeze and a single mister nozzle behind it makes a pretty good swamp cooler for them and so far hasn't gotten the feed damp so thats a good thing for them.
Have you had any problems with water accumulating in the bottom housing of the fan, with the mister behind it? I have the misters coming from above the fans and have problems with the shop fan accumulating water at the bottom, beneath the blades - probably because I have the mister going full blast and the fan is blowing the water around instead of immediately evaporating it. The fans and mister drop the temperature at least 10 degrees though.

My chickens all have shade and fresh water, but they are on their own beyond that. The only adult chickens I have lost were hanging out in the chicken coop, rather than resting outside in the shade where there is at least a little bit of breeze.
I love/hate Farmville LOL I used to play it a lot more than I do now but it is a great time waster no doubt about that LOL I got rooked/hooked into playing it cause so many of my family is on FB and plays nowdays I have to be careful what I plant cause I don't know when I'm going to have a chance to get back on and I wilt a lot of the crops I plant there
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