Okies in the BYC The Original

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AL is on FB????? How did I miss that??

Good morning ya'll! I have alittle pep in my step today!

Wayne I love the spangled roo!
Yes gloves are a good plan City!!! Did you make any jelly??

I will be making another batch of soap tonight.
Thanks Sooner ,he is a real cutie! I hope he passes on his color. have you heard from NaNa and PaPa Bill / Its been a while since they have been on.

Tired this morning,Izzy the taco dog had a belly ache last night and kept us up all night wanting outside! At least she was smart enough to let us know!We downsized our dog population last weekend. Now only have Izzy. A neighbor was complaing that our male was bothering his female and wanted us to get him neutered. I had afriend that wanted to use him so I just let him take buster and he also took Toullie. Hated to give them up but now they are in the country and won't be able to chase cars and won't have neighbors to bother!We also found a home for the beagle puppy. The crux(is that a word!lol) is that we gave the neighbor their dog so they would quit calling our dogs over to play with!
Boy isnt' that nice of them to take a free dog & pay you back in that way! I know that would make me sad to have to give away my dog because of that.

I talk to Bill for just a few minutes yesterday, we were having phone troubles. They are doing okay just trying to beat the heat & get ready for school.
Those were mine
(Wish I would have taken more....)
Yes, stuff was high - a sellers' market for sure!
Monibg everyone!! Took some cantaloupe and honey dew melons out to all the chickens this morning, pulled some grass and took to my Doms Micheal, they are really looking good, they have a room in the barn about 12 x 15 all to their selves with a wire front and nestboxes and rooste a plenty to play on, yeah I know I am spoiling them but I have wanted a trio of the Barred Doms for most of my life(49 now!!!) and thanks to Micheal i have them, I love them Micheal, thanks again, Yall all stay cool now!!!! Oh City and Marybeth, I found a recipe for a Watermelon Relish I think I am going to try, Watermelon Jelly too!!!! Have a blessed day all!!!! Lynn
City - Glad to hear the Marans are getting big. You should see eggs soon. My Barnevelders are on strike. No eggs from that pen since one went broody last month. My mixed pen gives me nearly a dozen eggs each day. We're eating a lot of quiche.
Good day everyone! It is FRIDAY!!

Yesterday I went for a follow up chest x-ray. Apparently the blood work the doc did last week shows that I still have an uncontrolled infection...so when I was getting my x-ray the doctor's wife (who works with him) came running in (like I might escape) and said the doc wanted me to get more blood drawn for more testing...and I did. They took 6 vials of blood. I asked what the doc was looking for and the doc's wife said that it is possible that I have fungal pneumonia or viral pneumonia. The two rounds of antibiotics that I took helped some, but never really got rid of it.
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Went upstairs this morning to change the food and water for the quail chicks in the brooders. While I was downstairs, Grayson decided to "help" with the week-old chicks. When I got back upstairs, I found him crawling under a table trying to catch one of them as it ran across the floor. I was able to corner and snag it between some boxes. I did a quick count and realized that there was still one missing. After searching the whole upstairs, I finally discovered that he had put it in with the four-week olds. It was unharmed but happy to be returned to its hatchmates. This is why I always keep the door to the upstairs closed.
DS had already made a hasty retreat back downstairs, leaving a trail of cheerios and stuffed animals behind him.
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