Okies in the BYC The Original

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Wow it took me almost an hour to catch up from last night's posts. I am so glad it is Friday. Of course it had to be an extra long one.

I am excited to hear that the kids start school in less than a week. I finally get my days back. Well the days that I'm not working. . . . Wait the only days that I don't now are weekends and the kids don't have school on the weekend. Crap! Oh well, guess I will get to spend my days off with kids anyway.

The birds around here are doing fine. I haven't noticed any problems due to the heat. They have started laying again. I guess they are enjoying the higher temps. Who knows?

There are several Okies (including myself) on Facebook. I'm not sure who or how many, but I know that they are there.

I guess I better get some work done. I am working from home this evening because I am just too tired to go into the office.
I was out of town for a week and not near a computer. I had only been following the okies' thread for two weeks before I left and I had withdraws!!!!
I was home visiting my parents in Michigan, a good week to be gone from Oklahoma I hear. Everybody in Michigan thought it was "so hot" there. I slept like a baby with the windows open and no AC. It is so quite there, 15 miles from the nearest grocery store and about 4 farmhouses per mile.
My husband took good care of my little Cochins while I was gone and now he is Cochin Crazy too. The grew ALOT while I was gone, I now know for sure I have 3 Partridge Roos and 2 Mille Fleur hens.
We are going to go to Newcastle tomorrow to see what we can find. - Out 16th anniversary, how romantic. My Husband knows- If Mama likes chickens, everybody likes chickens.
glad to be back, mj
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Wish I were closer, I would love to come & see that done!! I know it may not sound fun to others but I hope to have bee's one day since my plans got messed up this year!
Praying for them all!

My heart sank when I read this news today and I just shared it with Jason so our sentiments are together for the Stimpmeister and that we hope he can be healed on Gods will and timing... but selfishly hoping we get 100 more years with him

Congradulations on 16 years!!!! I think an auction is the perfect way to have a night out. LOL.

It is one thing that I miss anytime I can't get online is the Okie thread & FB. So join the club.
Praying here for stimp!!

not much going on today, hiding out from the heat- watering down runs - tried to integrate the two younster groups, didn't work too well- the first group is 5 months, the other group is 4 months- the older group was fine until the new hampshire reds saw them... and the race was on-

then i saw the older gang and guineas following that black snake!
Robin is there any way that you can section off a small area so the 4 month olds can be in the same pen for a while before you take the fence down, that is how I do it when I am adding new ones. It seems to work pretty good if I can do that for a few days to a week before I set them all free together.

That would be great if you could come down sometime, and maybe Macy could too

Its not a great sale barn, but I still enjoy it every time I go, and there are some really nice birds that come through there
Hi Everyone!

Well tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Going to Betsy's to visit and get some birds, then quick stop home to get everyone unloaded and in the transition pen. After that I am heading to Cement to the auction and to get Piaget's man. I feel like this
but by tomorrow night I am going to feel like this

Oh I have a facebook page. So cool I got it about 4 days ago and have heard from friends I haven't talked to in years. Awsome!

Going to get some stuff done around here real quick then head to bed. Gots to get up early in the morning.

Have a great night everyone!
I think there is a disclaimer on the home page about the BYC forum being addictive. The Okie thread is especially addictive.

Your hubby sounds like mine. He doesn't particulary care about poultry, but he added a tarp for shade to my duck pen and reset my former flight pen for pheasants so that it would be more varmit proof, so that I can use if for guinea keets if the hen that has been sitting on a nest for the past two months ever gets any to hatch. Some guinea eggs that I have placed in the bator have hatched so I know that at least some are fertile. I think her sisters keep laying eggs next to her and she just can't cover them all so she rolls some out and some in - but may be rolling out those that are partially developed. Of course, in this heat, I had two eggs that hatched out 24 hours AFTER the chicken hen abandoned them so that she could brood the chicks that had already hatched.
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