Okies in the BYC The Original

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Here are some pics of my Roo, he is only about 9 weeks old. He is the most outgoing of the 3 partridge roos.
You can clearly see his lace. I am so impatient to see what they will look like all grown up. If you want him you can have him. Your pretty girl needs a friend.
P.S. I just noticed the third pic is of my 3rd Roo, not as much rich color.
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Got to visit with Mike D, Asa, Amanda, SGT. Mckay and Muesky tonight at Cement.

I aquired 5 new Turkens tonight. Shhhhh... Dont tell my Honey....LOL

Maribeth, Montana says thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Mommy says THANK YOU too... YOU are a SweetHeart!
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No, I just have Bantam Cochins. There were a couple but not what I need. My husband loved a little duckwing rooster and said why couldn't my chickens be that small. I said "They are, under all the fluff.
I used to get some great soap from a herb farm in California - Tea Tree, Witch Hazel and Lemon Verbena - it smelled like evening dew and was so great for my skin. I was heart broken when they quit making it
LOL, it is brown & I will have to let you know the rest after it cures!! My DH with his sensitive skin is my test dummy! It sure smells good in my house.

I have an order in for lemongrass scent that should be in next week. I will be making this for my christmas gift for some of my distant family that we exchange with. I want to make a coffee flavor one soon. I am running out of room for it to cure & being busy with the house.
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Hello Everybody!
Well I am finally home from a day of road tripping for poultry. I have been from one side of the state to the other it feels like. This morning Stella and I headed out to Keystone to get some showgirl and silkie chickens from Betsy. Oh are they lovely! Thank you Betsy for the great birds and the wonderful visit.

Headed back home after an awsome time talking poultry with Betsy and her husband, dropped off the newly acquired feathered family members and Stella (she was all pooped out), than headed to Cement OK to get a gorgeous pied indian blue peacock for my peahen Piaget. He is so beautiful, I think Piaget will love him. By the time I arrived at Cement the auction was over (which is probably a good thing considering how much I spent on birds today), Saw Michael D., Peaches and Montana (I swear that boy gets bigger everytime I see him). Did not have time to talk to anyone very long, sorry. Had to get mine and Maribeth's birds loaded up. Now I am going to go catch up on Farmville, than head to bed. I am tired and my butt is numb!!!

Y'all have a great evening!
Uhhhhhhh, too late, Honey is reading this page too.

That's OK. Anything that my Baby wants, she gets. She is the strength holding everything together.

I also agree, Maribeth is a sweetheart.
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