Okies in the BYC The Original

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Michael - thank you for making the phone call for me on those red golden pheasant chicks. It will be good to add another blood line to my pair.
Muesky - thank you for providing transportation to the Norman area for my pheasant chicks. I will get them from you tomorrow afternoon, sometime.

I had another interesting learning experience trying to get those bees out of the person's house. We knew they were going in between the stone bricks and the siding, but thought that they would be accessible from inside the house, through the sheetrock. Wrong. He ended up tearing off the siding above the stone on the outside of the house and there was old wax comb and a lot of bees, but we couldn't tell where all they are located. Just know that there is a piece of wood behind the stone and the bees are in that space. We smoked the bees, vacumed the bees and still couldn't get to all the comb that needs to come out, so we will try it again about 6 in the morning, when we can see what is where. Unfortunately, vacuming bees, even with a gentle vacume, isn't very good for them since they gorge themselves with honey when they smell the smoke and bees with tummys full of honey are more easily damaged by the vacume. Unless we find the queen however, there isn't any good way to get the bees to voluntarily leave the structure. If we can find the queen and get her into a hive box, all the rest of the bees will walk into the box with her.
This afternoon I talked to Lou, Stimp's wife. The CAT scan revealed that he has fluid in one lung, but it isn't pneumonia. He is back on the respirator so that he can breath more easily. They will be trying some different medications to get rid of the fluid in his lung. Lou was telling Stimp about the various people on BYC who have asked about him and indicated they are praying for him and she said his eyes lit up.
Thank's P.B for checking on are buddy an leting us no how he is doing..
Went to cement sale an got some good O.E's a guy was saleing out he had bot his stock from sherif jr.out of tex's
Then went to Newcastle sale an got aload of bird's from modern man that he had bot for me at his sale that is wy im posting so late...
Seen lot's an lot's of okie's to night M.G an G.B 1 Muesky Peach's an Hotdog B52fizzle an are good buddy from Sterling stg..That has to get his back op..soon..an a few more that hasnt postd in so long i forgot ther name's on hear.

I will try to find some caves that I can send pixs. Most are not allowed so just scenery for now.

Baba Tangi Mnt.

Badakhshan Waterfall

Badakhshan waterfall at bottom of falls
Wow Doc - that is a beautiful area. It must be a weird juxtaposition of feelings, to be fighting a war in the midst of such beautiful landscapes. I am encouraged by the verse in your signature line every time you post - thanks! It reminds me of another of my favorite comforting verses, Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

P&B - thank you again for keeping us updated on Stimpy's status. I will be so happy to hear when he is better. I don't like hospitals - so sorry he's having to be there for so long!

It's been a long day for me - I am usually asleep many hours before now, but I had a project that required me to stay up after midnight tonight...blech!
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Good Morning Okies!

Doc great pic's! It's interesting because on TV & the news you only see the desert parts & not very pretty one's of those.

P&B I hope you are able to get the queen, from the sounds of it this hive has has been here for some years.

Peaches thanks for the info on your sale.
sgtmck1 how's it going today thim wer sure nice made nest box's that guy brot . I will be so glad wen it cool's down. I was so happy wen the grass got green this spring i love spring time an the fall..
Doc Have you seen any chicken's Yet!!!!
Hey doc, good to see your up and running on line, when I did my last westpac in 95-96, we were allowed one email a day on the ship, and no attachments.
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