Okies in the BYC The Original

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I don't have alot of room or time. Those problems seem to not stop many other chicken folks. Wonder how long I'll hold out. Remember I am just starting.

Why stick to only one breed? That is like going to a candy store and only buying a Hershey bar rather than trying the other varieties of chocolate. You might decided after trying something else that you really prefer Hershey bars to other varieties of chocolate (my personal favorite) or you might decide that you like some other variety of candy.
There was a coyote terrorizing my spangled hatch pair this morning in full daylight!

He was running around their pen, chasing them!

At least he hadn't done anything else.

It looked young, it ran off when it saw me.
Why stick to only one breed? That is like going to a candy store and only buying a Hershey bar rather than trying the other varieties of chocolate. You might decided after trying something else that you really prefer Hershey bars to other varieties of chocolate (my personal favorite) or you might decide that you like some other variety of candy.

That is the smart way to start out, just one breed. You will have enough experiance under your belt by Dec. though to go shopping at the Shawnee Show. This year it will be historic as they are holding the Nationals there.

That is the smart way to start out, just one breed. You will have enough experiance under your belt by Dec. though to go shopping at the Shawnee Show. This year it will be historic as they are holding the Nationals there.

Speaking of shopping in a candy store! One nice thing about the Shawnee show is that you get to see the best of the best.
I came in just a bit ago an the moon was bright.. Hot hoter this week they say..
Cuban Longtail they are haveing a meeting on gamebird's Sulfer fair barn on the 22nd if your interestd or any one you no. On Hyw7 at 1oclock
GreyBear23 an Mallen you guy's can pass the word up your way..
It's so hot hear the peach's are turning into prun's.. Good Night to all an dont let the bed bug's bite I didnt no ther was such thing tel i seen it on the new;s
GOOD night..okie's
Morning Okies,

By the time you read this I will be on the flight out. I am posting so

NOBODY freaks-out because I haven't been on here for a couple of days.

I will stay in phone contact with Peaches and will post again upon my return.

Send your prayers and keep Peaches in your prayers too.

Peaches, I love you with everything that I am, I love and miss you and Hotdog.
You have my heart.

Good morning all, Micheal will do!!! Doc keep your powder dry and your head down!!! See you soon!! Prayers for all!! I gotta go back to work today, it has been a good week but hot, I am working on a pen for my Guineas and Cuckoo Marans to go outside, will post pics when done, I also am working on pics of my chickens so be patient and I will get them posted!! Have a blessed day all!! Lynn
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