Okies in the BYC The Original

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Sorry I won't be going to Blanchard.
But I will be going to Elkton,Ky!
Taking a bunch of OEGBs and some extra rock roos.Time to thin down again!

Just went outside to check on stuff. As I walked by the tomatoe patch I saw those tale-tell naked stems! search uncovered about a half dozen tomatoe worms!
I hate those things. And they can hide so well. It was too hot to stand there and stare for very long. Will have to check again later. The chickens didn't even like them! Bet some gunieas would.Oh yeah there is a slight breeze blowing but its like an oven out there. I sure feel for those haveing to work outside today.
Hi everyone...I am still here...just not feeling so well. It sounds like everyone had a fun weekend.

The heat has been awful, forcing us to work outside only in the early morning (getting up before 6am) to go out to do the chores. Then, get back inside around noon-2pm (if I can handle it) and back out again around 7 or later to work again. Of course, this does my lungs no good...but who else will do our chores? The animals need us...

And, wouldn't you know it, no sooner than we got the misters up and operational, it gets too humid to use them!
and the poor hens are just suffering in the heat. They just lay around in whatever "cool" spot they can find. Some of them sleep standing up even. Poor babies!

I was sorry to hear that Stimpy is still having to fight his way to recovery. Thanks Maribeth for the updates.

Well, I need to wrap up my work for today. Just thought I'd let ya'll know I am still kickin~!

The thought of dealing with that many teenagers has me in awe of your levels of patience.
I also think you will be doing a lot of clapping because you are hot
Just talked to Lou, Stimpy's wife. Although they are now calling the fluid in the lungs pneumonia and treating it with antibiotics, the good news is that the abdominal infection appears to be gone. So Stimp just needs to kick this pneumonia and get off the respirator for about the third time, to be back on his feet.

FunChick/Suzy - I suspect that Stimp would be very sympathetic with the fatigue you continue to feel as you recover from pneumonia. That stuff takes a long time for recovery, even when the rest of you is reasonably healthy.
Leia's Chickens :

Hi everybody!


I read your initial post that indicated you attended a POOPS so we are glad you found your way over to the Okie thread of BYC.
I happened to attend POOPS because it was near my house and I was interested in getting chickens. My neighbor, Jack Cocoran told us about it.

When is the next POOPS and what is this about something huge in Shawnee in December?

I think I really, really like chickens. My dog was jealous for a while but seems to be soothed by some treats and extra attention. If the cats are jealous they haven't made their demands known yet. Maybe they don't show jealousy, that would be beneath them. I know they don't suffer from guilt.
Here is one of them napping after he hijacked my chair.
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There should be another POOPS in the spring. Shawnee is the National show (I think that's right) some on the board show in it & some just come to see all the chickens. Last year was my first time going & it didn't work out so we could show but we had a great time seeing all the Okies & checking out the birds.

Crud on a crutch it is hot folks.

I am totally praying for Stimpy, Lou and their family. I hope Stimpy kicks this pnemonia soon.

Funchick, sorry to hear you are not feeling good, still. Are you sure it is not something at work you are being exposed to that is making it hard for you get over this? You have been sick for a while. Got to take care of yourself.

As of today I am planning on going to Blanchard, so add me to the list. I believe MMpoultry farm is going to be there as well, but not for sure. I am actually really excited to go. There is nothing I really need or want right now in the way of birds. Maybe another peafowl or two if they are really cheap. More salmon faverolles would always be nice but not hurting for those right now either.

On a sad note my rooster "Blackbeard" died today. I do not know what did it but am suspecting the heat got him. I miss him so much, he was such a sweet and gentle roo. I also lost two adolescent chicks out in one of the grow-out pen. It is just so hot. Tomorrow I am going to move all the adolscences to the big grow-out pen and hang a fan in there. I just do not want to loose any more babies.

On a happier note, the showgirls and silkies I got from Betsy are all doing great. I am getting an egg everyday which is going under one of my broodies. I am hoping for showgirls
In fairness to all those who are wanting to add a little freak to their flock, I have a young silver splash cockeral showgirl I may be willing to part with. I also have one silver silkie hen I would part with. When the babies I have under the broodies hatch I may be selling a couple of them. Not sure yet until I see their coloring. In addition to those I have a buff brahma pullet that is about 3 1/2 months old for sale. She is beautiful, lovely coloring and heavily feathered feet. I also have a silver laced polish hen for sale as well. If anyone is interested in any of these birds PM me and I will give you prices. K?

Just wanted to say I had the best weekend in a long time. It was crazy hectic but really fun. Of course I mentioned Saturdays tour of Oklahoma road trip. Yesterday was kinda the whip topping and sprinkles to an already sundue of a weekend. Spent the evening with two of my BFFs, talking and griping (girl stuff) until 7am this morning. One of my friends is getting ready to move back home to Australia, which makes me happy for her cause she has wanted to go home for quite a while now but really sad cause I am going to miss her a lot. Guess that is all the more reason to get my crap together so I can make a trip to visit my mate. Yes?

Well the next few days are going to be ones I take easy and have fun since school starts back next week. I need to head to bed, totally pooped from lack of sleep this week.

Oh by the way Maribeth, I will send you a PM with my address. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow, sorry up front about the mess. Always work to do, never enough time.

Night all!
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