Okies in the BYC The Original

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Hello all~

Thanks everyone for the well-wishes...and prayers...much appreciated!

Muesky--sorry that you lost BlackBeard...I know you loved him a lot.

P&B I enjoyed hearing of your latest task of bee removal...WOW...and I never knew that other bees could recycle old honey like that. Such amazing little creatures! I am like Sooner--someday I will have my own apiary...gotta love the bees!

Well, I better get back to work again, bummer!

Everyone stay hydrated and don't forget to get your electrolytes if you are out in the heat. Your body needs 'em!
Is Blanchard just a poultry auction? Or do they sell any kind of livestock? I badly need to sell some rabbits or dress them out, I have way too many but I'm thinking about trying to make Blanchard Saturday even though I don't have much money to spend LOL.

Of course... if I sell some bunnys.... I might be able to buy more chickens :)
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Is Blanchard just a poultry auction? Or do they sell any kind of livestock? I badly need to sell some rabbits or dress them out, I have way too many but I'm thinking about trying to make Blanchard Saturday even though I don't have much money to spend LOL.

Of course... if I sell some bunnys.... I might be able to buy more chickens :)

Blanchard sells goats and rabbits also. In this heat however, rabbits are not bringing very much.
At the last Blanchard auction, bunnies brought between $2-4.50 and older rabbits didn't bring much more. You would probably do better if you put the rabbits on Craigslist as fryers
Wow we just had a nice thunder storm hover over us and drop about two inches of rain. It came down hard but it lasted long enough that some of it had to have soaked in! Droped the temp real good to. We were drastically needing both the rain and the temp drop.

Chickens all seem to have survived. One little hen was soaked thru and thru but her chicks were dry. Found out that taco dog,Izzy ,is terrified of thunder! She just couldn't snuggle close enough and was shaking like a leaf!.

Edited because I need spell checkLol
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The rain for Wayne falls mainly on the plain!

Congrats on getting some rain. I am sure it gave you some relief. When we had all of the flooding earlier this summer it was just in spots. One part of OKC got 12 inches of rain in just a few hours but on two different days. On those days we got nothing.
I know it helps. I am hoping for some showers here too.
I would be happy to show you how I butcher and (un)dress chickens - but you may not like my style of preparation if you want the skin left on. I just pull the skin off with the feathers, so it is like taking a shirt off a doll. The good part is that you can clean a chicken in about 15 minutes or less because there is no boiling water or picking pin feathers involved. The bad part is that if you want fried chicken with a crispy outside skin, you are out of luck because there isn't any skin to get crispy.

You might check with Buster - wasn't he the person who knows someone with a boiling water and feather plucking processing set up that they rent out by the day?
Michael,,no Elkton is an auction. They start out with hogs ,usually from one to twenty,then goats,5-20,the poultry and small animals. The birds and critters part of the sale may last four or five hours. They are getting a pretty good draw.Not many fancy pigeons but about any kind of chicken you might want will eventually come thru there. Its usually a good sellers market to.Have a lot of professiomal buyers there. Its about an hour away but worth the drive as far as I'm concerned.

Boy that rain has really brought the huimidty up and tomorrow is supposed to be 99! It will be miserable.
You don't get much sympathy from here. It was that temp. here at 7:45 tonight, high today 104! Tennessee does have alot of hummidity though. I went to Graduate School in Knoxville (20 years ago).

Where is Portland? My Father-in-Law lives in Chuckey, between Johnson City and Greenville, it is so pretty there.
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I believe those towns are east of us towards the moutains. Portland is about 30 minutes north of Nashville,almost at the Ky line. Its actually concidered a subburb of Nashville as is everything within 50 miles!
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