Okies in the BYC The Original

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hey guys just checking in ...

glad to see doc and peaches are doing well and safe

hope the heat isnt bothering anyone to bad i know its crazy here , there was a big grass fire next to our property here today but it didnt get to close to use , the heat has been horrible for the animals , but hopefully it wont be long before it cools down a bit

sorry to hear about the loss of your GP , those are really nice dogs
Good Morning everyone

Thanks Donnie on the sentiments regarding our Jackson...

I know how crazy this sounds but we will be on the hunt for another or two(may get two) GP or some type of flock guardian... So if you or anyone on this thread knows of anyone that breeds GP puppies (and you know them to be good breeders) keep us in mind and send a pm. I dont ever want my property without one.. ha ha especially when we are looking at buying about 20+ acres in the next 1-2 years. Our desire is to go really rural away from the development of to many homes... if ya can catch my drift... hey anyone up to making our own commune .. HA HA

We all buy a crap load of land and just be pioneers on it with all our chickens... wouldnt have to have poops because we would all live next to each other...
For those going to Blanchard, and may be interested, there will be a fair amount of Silverappleyard Call Ducks being sold. This would be a great opportunity for anyone to aquire a hard to find color of Call Duck.
Morning everyone!

Barnswallow, sorry to hear about your GP. They are wonderful dogs but the roaming is always an issue. It is a good idea to get another dog, otherwise you are going to have preditors taking your birds. Actually getting two would be a better idea if you have that many coyotes coming around. Pyres hunt in packs and it would safer for the dogs to have two.

I like the idea of a big chicken commune. Heck we could even have an auction house ran by Peaches and Doc, as well as, a communal garden, etc. Yeah I think that is a great idea.

Well I have totally been drawn into the world of Farmville. Not good, not good.
I just do not seem to be able to get enough chickens though. I need all BYCers to get on facebook so you can all get on Farmville then you can send me chickens. That way my virtual life can match my real life. Yes?? I know sad, very, very sad.

Speaking of real life better go take care of the critters. I am also trying to get the yard cleaned up but over 2 acres is a lot to do by yourself, especially in this heat. On a good note, according to the National Weather Service we maybe getting some rain and it should start cooling down this weekend. At least that is what is forecasted today, by tomorrow, who knows. I think 92 actually sounds really good right now. lol

Everyone have a great day! Stay cool and drink lots of water.
Hi everyone!

Well I am trying to get motivated to head into town. Don't wanna but I have to. Need to go to Atwoods and pick up some fly traps. The flys are getting so bad the spiders are popping out of their exoskeletons from the over abundance of food. Flys totally gross me out anyway but it is even worse when we are over run with them.

So I still have a bantam buff brahma I need to find a home for and a silver laced polish crested. If anyone is interested send me a PM. Planning on going to Blanchard Saturday and will probably bring them with me.

I am off to the big city.
Bye for now!
We have tried different things to get rid of flies the past few years. DE sprinkled in the runs seems to help as much as anything and I have also hung milk jugs with a hole cut in the side and a couple tablespoons of One Byte fly bait in the bottom, plus used those stinky fly baits that you mix with water and the flies go into the container but can't get back out. Last year, I bought fly predators - insects that lay their eggs in the larva of the fly so the fly larvae can't develop. Those were comparatively expensive, but I think they did help keep the fly population under control and some over-wintered so we still see some of these knat sized insects around. I also used the long sticky cardboard tubes, which the flies land on and then can't leave.

My favorite fly control for the house is clear rectangles of sticky "paper" that you affix to the inside of the window. They look gross when they get covered with flies, but I remind myself that they reflect fewer flies still flying around and making more flies. The only thing is that they are sometimes hard to find - I think WalMart had them the last time I got them and I am currently trying to restock.

If you find anything that works really well to keep flies under control, please share.
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