Okies in the BYC The Original

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Hi guys! Just checking in...I have felt so bad for the last several days...I have mostly been lurking. I am online all the time at work so I was able to keep up with the posts on my breaks.

Well, finally, FINALLY have a diagnosis for my pneumonia: mycoplasma pneumoniae

And NO I didn't get it from the chickens (thank goodness!), but that was the first question I asked as I thought it could be linked somehow to mycoplasma gallisepticum that chickens get. So that was a relief! But at least now, we know the right antibiotics to treat this gunk. The doc thinks it is a possibility that I picked it up at the hospital. So, I no longer use the service elevators that they use to transport patients. At least that will cut down some on my exposure to that kind of thing.

Well, our chickens are doing pretty well considering the heat. It is stressful for them though. Ihave been giving the flock refrigerated lettuce and sometimes I cut up apples into little bites. That way everyone gets some and the bullies can't hog it all.

Everyone that goes into the heat: be sure to replenish your electrolytes! Gatorade has a version that is half the sugar of the regular kind called G2. It's not too bad!
On the fly thing, I have been using a pyrethrin concentrate that I mix with water into quart size spray bottles, a little over 1/2 oz. per quart. I get it at Tractor Supply and it is only $4.99 for a small bottle that will last you awhile. This mix has the umph to knock the flies down and I use it as a premises spray only...it is too strong to use on the chickens at that strength. I just spray it around the doorways and the stalls in the barn, which helps. I will also find where flies like to rest and blast them with the spray there. I would like to do this every day, but sometimes it gets done less frequently. But it is so cheap that I feel like I am getting my money's worth for sure.

On the horses I love Tri-Tec 14...it lasts the longest and smells good too!
How is everyone, havent been on in a looongtime. Hope everyone is doing great and staying cool. This heat just takes all my energy. At least i havent lost any chickens to it. We managed to hatch out about 70 chicks out of 100 eggs and wouldnt you know it. about 15 got out and some older guineas didnt like the looks of them. Still 55 mixed breed chicks is enough for one man to feed. Had another litter of winny dogs here, got one more to get rid of. Buyer should be pickin up saturday after a talk with her landlord. Cute little silver dapple female.
The government may think we are collecting chicken poop to make bombs. lol

Thats right I have hear you can use manure from said poultry and have a nice lil arsenal... if we are not careful they may infiltrate this thread and come get us just for contemplating it... Whoops I mean typing about it.. HA HA HA HA ( I wonder if they would if they knew what Jason and I used to do as kids)
The Gatorade G2 has really helped me keep from getting totally dehydrated. The flavor isn't bad and at about 60 calories per 20 oz bottle, I don't feel too bad about drinking it. Even when I am drinking a lot of water, the G2 makes me feel better after I consume it. I buy it by the case at Sam's.

Suzy, so glad that your pneumonia isn't related to your chickens. That would have been the pits.
I don't know if there is enough ammonia nitrate in chicken poo to make explosives, but I sure don't want to be anywhere near the area if someone starts throwing handfuls of it - particularly if it is wet

(and the statute of limitations has probably run on anything you and Jason did before you became mature adults and upstanding citizens
Glad you popped in to join us for awhile.

What is it about guineas that they will peck at chicks and keets until they kill them? For a creature that is so broody they are almost impossible to get off a nest, they sure make lousy mothers once eggs have hatched.
Hiya PnB hope you been doing well. My guineas are just a year old and lay but never did go broody this year. I hatched some of there eggs out and wouldnt you know it, a big ol blacksnake had himself a meal. Weve had alot of blacksnakes this year. No copper heads though. As soon as I can afford to ill have internet and home phone again, right now all we have is a cell phone. Hopefuly the wife finds employment soon.
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