Okies in the BYC The Original

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Morning all yall Okies,

Peaches has been telling me how hot it is back home. One of my retired Army buddies sent me a "How Hot Is It" page and thought that
I would share it with you folks back home. I'm thankful to be sitting on this mountainside where the averge temperature is 86 degrees.
NO, I'm not trying to rub-it-in, I'm just saying!!!!!!!!
Keep praying for Peaches and everything that she does for all our family back home while I'm over here. If you think of it, send a prayer my way too.

I Love and Miss You Peaches and Hotdog (Renia and Montana)
Doc A.K.A. Ol' Crusty

IT'S SO HOT AND DRY IN OKLAHOMA....the birds have to use potholders to pull
the worms out of the ground.

....the trees are whistling for the dogs.

....the best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance

....hot water comes from both taps.

....you can make sun tea instantly.

....you learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.

....the temperature drops below 95 F (35 C) and you feel a little chilly.

....you discover that in August it only takes two fingers to steer your car.

....you discover that you can get sunburned through your tinted car window.

....you actually burn your hand opening the car door.

....you break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 A.M.

....your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up
lying on the pavement and cook to death"?

....you realize that asphalt has a liquid stage.

....the potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is pull one out and add

....the cows are giving evaporated milk.

....farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying
boiled eggs

IT'S SO DRY IN OKLAHOMA That the Baptists are starting to baptize by sprinkling,

The Methodists are using wet-wipes,

Presbyterians are giving rain checks,

And the Catholics are praying for the wine to turn back into water!

welcome to a wonderful group of folks who either live in Oklahoma or wish they live in Oklahoma.
Disclaimer: some of us are addicted to attending poultry auctions, hatching poultry and acquiring poultry. Since addicts tend to be "enablers" we may try to assist you in acquiring the same addictions we have, if you don't have them already.

So tell us about your poultry - what you have and what you would like to acquire.
I drove through Harrah yesterday. King's Feed on Harrah Rd has become my favorite feed store the past 2 months or so - love the price on their egg layer and chick starter. Harrah is about 20 miles from my house, but I can save the price of gas very quickly with their feed prices being $1-3 per bag less expensive than what is available closer to me.
Doc - since you are away from home and family, it would be mean spirited to covet your cooler temperatures.
I will cheerfully drive my vehicle with two fingers or a napkin wrapped around the steering wheel, rather than exchange places with you.

The temperatures are the reason however why I went to bed at 10 pm and missed all the chatter on here last night - and why I am up early this morning to finish feeding and watering.

Peaches is a talented, determined lady. She is doing a great job of keeping everything glued together until you get home.

Hugs and prayers for you AND your family.
Yep, Peaches is just the 'cat's meow'. I couldn't have found anyone better.

She can do more than any 25 Soldiers could ever do, including myself.

Soon going down the mountain to where the heaters are on. The other day it was 117 at 9 PM.

Have a great day and know that I am still doing good. Thanks for the prayers.

Morning all : Got a big busy day ahead of me, how's everybody doing ??. Got some mechanic work to do on my main work truck today, not looking forward to it but it's gotta get done, it's a major step in my mechanical skills to take this one on, wish me luck LOL.

Good Morning!

We got a good little rain shower last night. Much needed.

Waiting on coffee to finish making so I can get my day started.

Hope everyone has a blessed day.

Doc, We all love and miss you. P & B is right. I am trying to keep everything
glued together until you get back. Hey, Any Idea where I can get a light like
the one in the kitchen? IT stopped working and it sure gets dark in there at
night. Must be done by dark or your not doing it in there.

Everything wait to break until your sailor/ soldier is away. My husband just retired from the Navy. Once I had to tell him that the windshield of his pride and joy truck was cracked.
Atleast these days there is the internet. When we were first married we only had snail mail - torture!
Everything wait to break until your sailor/ soldier is away. My husband just retired from the Navy. Once I had to tell him that the windshield of his pride and joy truck was cracked.
Atleast these days there is the internet. When we were first married we only had snail mail - torture!

You are right. I am very fortunate to be able to talk with him. I usually talk with him twice a day.
Wow just can't get with it this morning again!!

Things are slow at work I hope something comes in to make the day pop. What does everyone else have going today?

Funchick is there an update about how you are doing?? Anyone had word on Stimpy? Who else was under the weather? Where is City?? Did she go off to the flat lands to visit her family?

what is this i hear you all saying about moisture fallin from the sky????

hey Doc!! my day is made when you can pop in and say hi! prayers daily for you and the family!

Everything wait to break until your sailor/ soldier is away. My husband just retired from the Navy. Once I had to tell him that the windshield of his pride and joy truck was cracked.
Atleast these days there is the internet. When we were first married we only had snail mail - torture!

MJ, where and when was he stationed? hubby retired in 99, and yep the days of waiting for the mail to get here! And the phonecalls, boy did those phone bills hurt! One from the Philippines was $500!

Here is the morning face- Cubans guy...


looks like he gets to go home saturday, he is an amazing chicken, sure resembles something out of Jurasic park, can't ya see a herd of them running to you over the hilll? could ask for a sweeter guy though, and he loves popcorn!

hey sooner- tell madison i am sorry! poor little cochin! they do get themselves into predicaments though!

ok, off and runnin for the day​
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