Okies in the BYC The Original

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I hear ya, congrats on the new henhouse construction, you are right it is very cool when everything is high and dry and life is good in the coop.

Maribeth - I'm planning to drill three holes in a length of PVC pipe, screw in some metal chicken watering nipples, cap one end, and then attach the pipe near the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket. I've ordered some bucket warmers to keep the water from freezing. Each bucket will sit outside its pen on a cinderblock with the watering arm inside the pen. I may have to use zip ties to anchor the watering arm to the side of the pen. Maybe not. I guess I'll find out after the first one is complete. I can fill watering buckets with the hose attached to the pasture spigot, which doesn't freeze, so I won't have to carry water this winter. I won't have to go into the pens to water, and I don't have to hang buckets from the rafters, and the metal watering nipples are not supposed to drip, so my flock is going to have clean water on demand, and I'm not going to have to fill a dozen gallon containers every morning and evening.

I will be very interested to see how this new system works. I just use rubber bowls and empty the ice out if I can't break the surface with a spade. A system that didn't freeze would certainly be handy.
Good morning everyone

Boy I am loving this rain but not entirely happy about the wind that tore up our horse cover to smithereans from the other day.

Chickens just stand out in the rain like crazies and I think a few of them are not feeling so well because of it... even though they have total open access to their coop and sun porch:barnie
Morning Everyone,
I'm still so sleepy after tha rain, but finally got a good night's sleep. i went to King's Feed yesterday. i bought my second bag of feed. the chickens are eating alot and growing fast. My Partridge Cohchin cockerels are developing alot of color.
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Hey everybody. Just got back from Kunduz. I am tired. I changed my avatar to upload a
pic of some of the world's finest Soldiers and they even let me in the photo. These are
my friends from the SLT team Kunduz province. When the Sh***** hits the fan, these
are the guys to call. Since I made it back safely, another day closer to coming home.
Keep the prayers coming, I miss you guys but I really miss my family.

Doc - It is good to see you. I'm glad you are doing well. You are sorely missed around here. I pray that you make a quick and safe return.

I kinda crashed last night. After I posted, I built a plastic tote brooder box and then sat on the sofa. .Next thing I know Andrew is waking me up and it is 10:30. Guess I was tired. Only problem is that the brooder box won't be used for birds It is my temporary home for the snake. He is getting too big for his aquarium and I needed something else for the mice anyways. I have 3 six foot snake cages out in the garage, but I don't have anywhere in the house to put one. Well the kids are on the bus and it is time for me to head to work. I am off tomorrow, but have to work Monday, so I get a 3 day weekend. I plan on spending it by doing nothing. Actually I may do some much needed work on my chicken pen. It just depends on how hot it gets and how high the humidity is.
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