Okies in the BYC The Original

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After a verrrrrry long night we are back at it today.
We finished up about 1:00am with the judging this morning. There were over 400 entries and only two judges. (one extra judge helped for a while.)
Grace did very good with the birds and again, I will let her post the results later. She let Dad come home and get some rest
and she is going to take a break around 3pm and get ready for some of the activities this evening. (cutest critter etc.)
It has been very good to see Grace step up and take charge but still remain humble.
She is very good at this type of work. She enlisted some of her poultry club members to help and if you look real close you will see Sherri in the pictures.

seems to change First time i went it was 6 next time it was 4 last weekend poultry was 5. Just trying to get there early this time perhaps I should leave at 3:00 pm to be safe.

Poultry items are always scheduled to begin at 5 pm.
It is the non-poultry items that fluctuate on the beginning time.
I just talked to Jerry and confirmed that non-poultry items will begin tomorrow at 4:00 and poultry will begin at 5:00.

Beginning the 25th of September, they will go back to a 2:00 start time for non-poultry related items.

Matt - if you want to get your birds a good spot in the line of bid items, you might want to consider having them there at the barn long before 3:00 so you get a lower "lot number" since birds sell in order of "lot number"

thanks alot P&B
Finished cleaning out the small runs and pens and am totally worn out. The heat's not too bad, but the humidity must be up because I am literally soaked in sweat. My Old English have been taking turns molting and I think I cleaned more feathers than bedding out of their coops. My Crele pair decided to escape and I had to chase my rooster through the bushes before catching him with the net. The hen tried to hide out in some tall ornamental grass, but I caught her when she made the mistake of answering his calls, once I had him back in the coop.

While I was cleaning out the quail brooder, one of them got confused and flew up to land on my shoulder. They're pretty tame yet, and were loving the fresh shavings that I put down for everyone. I had been dreading the clean-up, but am glad it's done, and it went a lot quicker than I thought it would. I even remembered to dust everywhere with DE, so everyone should be clean and comfy for awhile at least.
You are welcome to come do mine now that you have run out of stuff to do!

I came home yesterday to a big limb that had fallen & blocked the door to my laying flock, I had an entertaining time getting it down! I made the mistake of letting out the bantam barred cochins to get under my feet while I was working at it. LOL.
Want to add our "CONGRATULATIONS" to all
of our young people that are participating
in these shows and fairs. As always, our
Junior BYC'ers do an excellent job and
have much to be proud of.

Grace - good luck with your birds and want
you to know that we are all so very proud
of you and the efforts you are putting in
for the young people.

Guess our kick-off up here will be next
Friday night - County Fair, and then
Tulsa State Fair. Not really ready -
but here we go.......

Have a good one !
I have never had much luck in fixing splay legs, but was glad to see the description of how to use a bandaid as a splint, on the thread you started. Let us know how it does. If it can be brought back to good health - I am confident that you can do it.

Splay legs is actually fairly easy to correct, if you notice it and take action quickly enough. The bandaid will work, but also you can make a brace from pipecleaner, shaped like a staple. I prefer the pipe cleaner. I've also successfully treated slipped Achilles tendons, but that also must be caught early.

However, this looks like a rotated femur to me. I've responded in more detail at your original post.

Good luck.
Oh, I never run out of stuff to do. I just avoid doing some things by doing other things that I've been avoiding instead. I have a priority list of things that I don't want to do, ranked from "I can't put this off" to "I can't put this off, but I'm going to anyway".
Good to see Grace enjoying herself. I'm sure its a lot of work but very rewarding.

Nice rainy day here(if there is such a thing).real slow and soaking. Finally stopped and I got all the birds fed and watered. The young birds sure are getting pretty. Going to be very hard to cull down to keepable numbers. And way to many breeds!Have been visited by hawks a lot lately so am not freeranging unless I am out to watch them.

Guess I'll hit the chicken auction in Elkton ,Ky this weekend. Don't have anything I want to take yet so will just go and watch and hope for a lucky find on something else I don't need!lol
Congrad on your hatch. I am envy'es of you i cant get any to hatch or lay as far as that go's...hope to raise some soon..
Got to go out see you guy's later...
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