Okies in the BYC The Original

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Morning Everybody!

Sorry I have been MIA, work has been crazy and stressful. Of course Farmville is not helping, thinking I may have to shut my virtual farm down or my real one.

How is everyone been? Lurked around a bit but not enough to really know what is going on. What is the word on Stimpy? Hope everyone is doing great.

Well who all is going to Blanchard tonight?? I figured it was time to go to an auction, been to long and I am jonesin for one. Do not really need anything but want to go anyway.

Better get going, have a bunch of things to get done today before heading to the auction. Hope to see a lot of you there.
Good Morning Everyone! I am so glad it is Saturday. No School, No Football, No Practice. Just Chicken Auction...Yea!

I still have chickens for sale... I still have those buffs, RIR, Black Australops, and a few others. If anyone is interested, let me know.

You can call me at 405-664-5645. My inbox was full and if anyone tried to PM me, I guess I didnt get the messages. Now its empty.

Who all is going to blanchard?
No Auction for us... Jason is picking up some pipe fencing so we can start sectioning off the livestock into more suitable and proper paddocks.

Is it legal to do a stake out... the neighbors let their dogs out again this morning and already started chasing our goats... daughter came running in the house so I quickly walked outside to take aim... only to see they had hollered at their dogs and were inside their place safe.... for now... Aleisha thinks because they saw her they got their dogs in before we could shoot... I m just wondering if I shouldnt do a stake out in the early morning and when they let them out ... wait for them to come across our yard and start chasing the goats then take aim... This is gonna drive me crazy... they know their dogs are chasing them... they have been warned but they still wont do anything to keep them contained to their property...

We lost one of the sumo chicks today... the others trampled on it... poor thing... but as long as we have no other losses come a few months they will be some tasty freezer treats..
Morning everyone!!

Barns, I'm sorry that you are dealing with that & I wonder if there isn't something else that you can do about it but I don't know what.

As for Farmville, the new finally wore off & I hardly ever play anymore, same thing happed with Farmtown & now Frontierville.
Well my dad had to be readmitted yesterday to the hospital. He got out on thursday at 2 and was readmitted on friday at 3pm. He started throwing up everything he has eaten since Tues in my bathroom yesterday and I had to take him back. The surgeon ran some xrays and a cat scan and told me that stuff was backing up in there and looked like a partial blockage was there. So here we go again.
Here's a few shots of the birds Jiena was out playing with the camera (the enabling tips are paying off :)
Goosey & Lucy

This is my lone survivor from the last incubator run, What do you think is it a he or a she? I'm thinking pullet (or hoping anyway)

Tink & the girls

Some shots of the flock in the first pen


You can see the eye of the one hen It's the hen in the bottom far left that still has some mucus around it, it seems some better but not going away fast, wondering if I should pen her seperate from the others.
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Well the pickup is done. After the guys get cleaned up, we are headed out to load up birds and then on our way to Blanchard.

Here is a little something for inquiring minds.

Oklahoma Trivia and Interesting Facts

1. The bread twist tie was invented in Maysville.
2. The shopping cart was invented in Ardmore in 1936.
3. The nation's first parking meter was installed in OKC in 1935.
4. The first Girl Scout Cookie was sold in Muskogee in 1917.
5. Cimarron County , located in the Oklahoma Panhandle, is the only county in the U.S. bordered by 4 separate states: Texas , New Mexico , Colorado & Kansas .
6. The Oklahoma State Capital is the only capital in the U.S. with working oil wells on its grounds.
7. Boise City , Oklahoma , was the only city in the United States to be bombed during World War II. On Monday, July 5, 1943, at 12:30am., a B-17 Bomber based at Dalhart Army Air Base, Texas , dropped six practice bombs on the sleeping town, mistaking the city lights as target lights.
8. WKY Radio in Oklahoma City was the first radio station transmitting west of the Mississippi River .
9. The nation's first "tornado warning" was issued March 25, 1948 in Oklahoma City minutes before a devastating tornado. Because of the warning, no lives were lost.
10. Oklahoma has the largest Native American population of any state in the U.S.
11. The name Oklahoma comes from two Choctaw words — okla meaning "people" and humma meaning "red." So the name means "Red People" and was approved in 1890.
12. Oklahoma has produced more astronauts than any other state.
13. Oklahoma has more man-made lakes than any other state.
14. During the "Land Rush," Oklahoma City and Guthrie went from vast, open prairie to cities of over 10,000 in a single day.
15. The nation's first "Yield" traffic sign was erected in Tulsa on a trial basis.
16. The Pensacola Dam on Grand Lake is the longest multi-arched dam in the world at 6,565 feet.
17. The Port of Catoosa (just north of Tulsa ) is the largest inland port in America .
18. The aerosol can was invented in Bartlesville .
19. Per square mile, Oklahoma has more tornadoes than any other place in the world.
20. The highest wind speed ever recorded on earth was in Moore , Ok, on May 3, 1999 during the Oklahoma City F-5 tornado. Wind speed was clocked at 318 mph.
21. The Will Rogers World Airport and the Wiley Post Airport are both named after two famous Oklahomans, both killed in the same airplane crash.

And Oklahoma Towns Offer It All!

Want Something to Eat?
Cookietown , Oklahoma
Corn, Oklahoma
Grainola , Oklahoma
Hominy, Oklahoma
Olive , Oklahoma
South Coffeeville , Oklahoma
Sweetwater , Oklahoma

Also in Oklahoma :
Cleveland , Oklahoma
Orlando , Oklahoma
Miami , Oklahoma
Pittsburgh , Oklahoma
Santa Fe, Oklahoma
St. Louis, Oklahoma
Chattanooga, Oklahoma
Peoria, Oklahoma
Burbank , Oklahoma
Fargo, Oklahoma

Don't Forget The Wildlife!
Bison, Oklahoma
Buffalo , Oklahoma
Deer Creek , Oklahoma
Eagle, Oklahoma
Elk City , Oklahoma
Fox, Oklahoma
Wolfe , Oklahoma

There are Two Oklahoma Towns Named After Numbers:


For The Sportsman Who Wants To Get Away From It All:
Fisherman's Paradise , Oklahoma

We Even Have a City Named After Earth's Only Satellite!
Moon, Oklahoma

Feeling a Bit Chilly?
Cold Springs , Oklahoma
Snow, Oklahoma
Slick, Oklahoma

Oklahoma Is Full of Love!
Bigheart , Oklahoma
Lovedale , Oklahoma
Loveland , Oklahoma
Lovell, Oklahoma
Loyal, Oklahoma

What about U.S. Presidents?
Adams , Oklahoma
Carter, Oklahoma
Clinton , Oklahoma
Fillmore , Oklahoma
Grant , Oklahoma
Jefferson , Oklahoma
Johnson , Oklahoma
Lincoln , Oklahoma
Reagan , Oklahoma
Roosevelt, Oklahoma
Taft, Oklahoma
Taylor, Oklahoma
Washington, Oklahoma
Wilson, Oklahoma

Other City Names in Oklahoma to Make You Smile:
Bowlegs, Oklahoma
Bugtussle , Oklahoma
Bushyhead , Oklahoma
Frogville , Oklahoma
Hooker, Oklahoma
Loco, Oklahoma
Slapout , Oklahoma
Slaughterville , Oklahoma

And Regardless What Side Of The Fence You're On:
Gay , Oklahoma
Straight, Oklahoma
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Yall talk about farmville like its the next big thing to slice bread... Jason and I dont do facebook but we do play a game called Ranch Rush and Ranch Rush too... its a timed game but alot of fun.

Thanks for sharing the pictures E L I will make sure to show Aleisha so she knows Tink is doing alright... She wondered on him the other day... now she can see He is doing just fine. Lucy and Goosy are looking good glad again her eye is doing much better
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