Okies in the BYC The Original

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Congratulations on great success at the show! Sounds like Corey and Liz are doing great things with their birds and rabbits and that as their mom, you are doing a great job with your girls!

How ironic that Liz isn't old enough to show in the 4-H, so she has to show with the adults in the open show. She still did well with her birds - bantam grand champion of the show!

thanks for affirming what we all suspected - that Grace did a fantastic job as Superintendent of the Poultry Barn. She is an amazingly talented young woman and it is wonderful that your daughters and the other young ladies in your community have such a great example as a mentor.
Congrats to show people on all your wins, we hope to give yall some competition at the Shawnee show coming up in Dec. it is the National show so be sure and join up with the APA or ABA so you can qualify for the top prizes and points and recognitions!!! Michael, was looking at the history of Gamefowls last night and found out that the RedQuills should have green legs and can run from ginger to the Quill looking color patters, still interested in some good Red Quills and Gingers if you run onto any! Thanks Buddy! That Macy is one heck of a trader like her dad huh!!!! What a score for her! I am still apprehensive about putting my babies out in the rabbit cage so for my own sanity I am putting them in the barn cage inside a hugh dog carrier till they are a little bigger, I do not want to chance the cats or a coon getting any of them, oh and Michael I think I am going to end up with a little Spangle cockerel out of the Hatch hen x Spangle Roo, can't wait to see how he matures!!!! Well I want to thank everyone on the forum for being such a wonderful bunch of folks, I have to say I have not been a part of a group that gets along and helps each other so well and so much, I have a lot to get done today so will drop in later, have a GREAT DAY Yall!!! What time does the Fletcher auction start again, swear I am getting forgetful in my old age!!! LYNN
Fletcher Auction Starts at 5PM. Free Food Will Start at 4PM. I am planning on having a couple drawings that night as well. The drawings will take place during the auction.
Jiena and I will be at the Fletcher sale, I wanted to go last night but couldn't make it sounds like everyone had fun, Thanks for the marker info I have china markers white and black and sharpies though all are the type with solvents I am getting eggs from the barred rock hens now that I got from Jeannie so have to start marking them to tell them apart most of the eggs going in the bator are mutts but I'm betting they still lay eggs and taste like chicken when they are old enough LOL (counting eggs before they hatch of course:)
Good morning folks! Beautiful sunny fall day here. We got up and went to Bowling Green,Ky to our church(8 am service) and they were not haveing service today! They are haveing it at a lake ,its a special GodStcok service. But the trip wasn't a total loss because they were haveing a hot air balloon deal at the air port and the sky was full of beautiful baloons. It was one of those special "God given " monments

Didn't get nothing at the auction yesterday. Several interesting things there but I jsut didn't want to pay the prices. Birds are still going good here.

I have let mine out this morning. Hopefully the hawk stays away. They are to big for it (its a cooper) but it scares them so they run back in the pen and hide.I have to do some serious culling this week and get some birds ready to sell next weekend. Jsut have to many young ones to keep them all.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Hello everyone and isn't it a glorius Sunday!

Gerald and I had a blast at the Blanchard auction on Saturday night, visiting with so many fine Okies. It was wonderful! I enjoyed meeting some new Okies, and visiting with the regulars!

I think the highlight of the evening was having our own wonderful BYC Okie, Big Al do some auctioneering. I noticed that he was able to get highest prices of the evening on birds than the regular auctioneer. Way to go Al!

I couldn't believe my ears this morning when I kept hearing rumbling. We didn't even have rain in the forecast today and it's been pouring for over an hour now at our house, and lightning hitting the cell phone tower across the road sure made a loud clap of thunder.

I love it!
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