Okies in the BYC The Original

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Welcome !!! Like sooner said lots of BYCers show bird's ther from all breed's of chicken's an duck's im sure some one will be on soon with the date..
to you!
It is the first weekend in October at the Tulsa Fairgrounds not sure what building
I had a good but busy day now it 12:30 and back hurts to bad to sleep I called about a golden pheasant. Went to Lowes got some 2by4s 2by2s and netting hualed that stuffed around and got it all laid out. If I didnt get the pheasent I was going to put all my quail in there anyway. She called and said I could come get then asked if I wanted any chukar partridge (right then I started to ask if it was P&B) so anyway we got a male pheasent and 5 chukars. So much for being in harmony. And when I got home I was asked why I had to go to Duncan And yes I got the look.
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I dont think its the breed as people suggest. I think the true trick to having any hen go broodie is to not need her to. meaning when you buy birds just so they will brood it never seems to happen that way I have a fleet of cochin silkies whos soul purpose was to be brooders. have they ever went broody? Nope But I had a 3 month Old RiR go broodie on a boiled egg go figure.
Good morning all, Glad to see you online again there Doubleostud, thanks Michael, I may be callin ya about cashin in some of those young stags later! When they are big enough to tell what they will look like, want to keep some back to put into my breeding programs. Have a good day all, gotta go to work!!!! Lynn
Sure you can, Tonight after a full day of work and daily chores & a evening visit with us hehehehehehehe.
How's the finger this morning ??.

Morning Peaches! You sound like ure sunshine being all chipper & such!

So far so good on the finger but I haven't bumped it yet today either! Amazing how you can retrain to type with only three finger on one hand.
Boy you can say that again..................... when my hands were injured earlier this spring and bandaged when I would bump something it was terrible.................. and I invented a whole new slew of cuss words every time it happened.

Bless your heart................ be carefull Ok.

Good Morning Okie BYC friends.

Just to let you know that I am still alive and doing everything day by day.

Yep, Peaches is my "Sunshine" everyday. Hope all have a great day and
keep those prayers coming.

Ol' Crusty
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