Okies in the BYC The Original

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Heya everyone I have Been really busy with the state being out here alot. Good news is I get my test results tomorrow all symptoms are gone and they suspect it was just a cold bug that came with the weather change. as for me I dont feel much better still in pain but angela says its looking better Doc app, is frid at 8 am guess we will see then.
I'm excited, I have recruited a partner in crime!!!!!
I have been wanting to try and raise for freezer camp, but w/o any experience and a husband that while a wonderful man refuses to have any part of freezer camp, I've not been sure I can do it. But at work today I have recruited my partner at work, who also has no experience, but when it comes time for "the deed" we hopefully can "egg"
each other on. He lives in BA so can't really have any so they will be raised at my home, and he'll come to my place, now for the planning.
It is actually a table that my sister got me for my birthday! I love it & can't wait to use it in my new house. Although it is almost to pretty to put anything on! If you want better pic's I will be glad to upload them.

I would love to have a bigger picture, if you don't mind! It looks sooo pretty!
NN you would think with all of my various birds and my attempt to pretty much have one of every breed that I would have a naked neck by now yet I have never had one. Maybe one of these days I will buy one.
Talented with Avatars
Rebeccah of Sunnybrook Farm - (because you have the most positive of dispositions)
Determined to Homestead
Doesn't move? Paint it.
House Renovator
Mom to many

I liked Jer-man's "Little Red Firecracker" and Sooner's " Little Miss Sunshine" also.

(and were you actually able to climb the rope in the gym? I am impressed - I was never agile enough to accomplish that

My name the last Jasons niece checked(she goes to the same Highschool jason and I went to back in the good ol days of 1996) said my name was still in the gym class for benching pressing 180 pounds (with a note that reads 9 months prego) That I was proud of.. I worked hard in weight class to do that sucks I had to accomplish it while being pregnant my senior year.

How about

Sin Dipped in Misery

A Fate Worse Than Death

How about Wonder Woman!!! I could NEVER even do 1 pull up.
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So where are you planning to pull them to?

You know in most states it is illegal to relocate predators! LOL

Good Job, NN!
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