Okies in the BYC The Original

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I hope this winter since I will not be brooding any chocks that I will be able to expand my run. By hope I will not be brooding any chicks I mean I have yet to turn the bator off and am sure that it will be full by next week.
Well good late morning to all. I got up late again today. I made it to work on time, but only lasted 3 out of 12 hours before the school called. Lauren started puking at breakfast and I had to go get her. I called the doctor while driving to the school (yes, I know its a bad thing.) I got her an appointment this morning and took her in. It turns out that she has a stomach virus and is just starting to get strep, so my vacation is going to be fun. She is currently in her bedroom, laying on the sofa, watching cartoons. Hopefully she won't be too sickly. I have a weak stomach and don't know how much that I can handle. I hope everyone else is having a better Monday than me.
I have lost 15 quail in the last two nights I dont know how its getting in but some of the heads are eatin others just killed. Setting some traps hope I get it soon. Why dose it only seem to get the nice plump ones I was going to eat or the ones laying.
Is it trying to pull them through the wire? I know raccoons are notorious for grabbing them and trying to drag them through. I hope you get it soon, quail are like Taco Bell to predators. So small and yet so tasty.

If you need any eggs to do another hatch, just let me know and I can bring you some if you plan on going to Blanchard. I'm going to try to be there this weekend.
Hey everyone

I am so loving this cool fall weather, although I haven busted out the Carhart yet... it might be soon... I love me my carhart coat.

Jason and I worked on our back pasture.. the area where we planned to move the coop and what not.. We put up 5 strands of Barbed Wire to split the pasture in half... one side for the goats and horses and the other side will be for the chickens, turkeys and water fowl. Sooner or later we will have the back yard how we wish to see it but for now its slow and steady.. Continue to be greatful to Peaches for her help in caring for our fowl while we get this done... Hope everyone is enjoying their Monday day
What a beaut! Is that one of the mad games?

Yes it is and you should see the chicks coming out of that pen. They are the definition of butt-ugly with their Crow heads and lack of feathering.

I'm so proud!

I love baby mads! They are by far the cutest baby chicks ever!
hello everyone were spending the day with the grandbaby here in town shes nappin so i got to slip on here for a minute.she sure is growing fast.ill post some new pics in a day or 2.i got rid of all my rir chicks over the weekend so the brooders are alittle bare i think i have like 14 americana chicks left so im busy fillin up the incubator now.i set 5 dz rir an have 5 more coming tomarrow.they are the only eggs i can get ahold of right nowaround here close
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