Okies in the BYC The Original

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Morning everyone

Lost one of our meat chicks yesterday near the waterer? How or why not sure...

The family is doing well:

Austin was recently tested and we found out (much to our surprize but relieved) that he is far sighted... which explains why he always had trouble reading. I never would have thought to have his eyes tested but because we were explained by the optometrist the importance of having children tested at 1year of age and again at 3 and then every couple of years so with that new found knowledge I have an appt set up for everyone in the family.. ha ha Who would have thunk it... My mom,older brother and younger sister are all near sighted... so for austin to come out farsighted is another surprize... He is required to where the glasses at all times except when he is running around crazy playing something he is adjusting too. I had to tell Aleisha that she better hide that diary of hers because before to long Austin will be reading so well he might wanna sneak in and read it.. ha ha where as before she never thought to need to.. ha ha never felt threatened ha ha

And on other news as some of you may know Jason and I had two special children under our families care for the past 7 Months through the OKDHS and as with any placement oppertunity has arose to where they are able to now be placed with some extended family. I want to thank you all here on our Okies thread for your open hearts and support during these past months to these kids and welcoming them into a wonderful chicken family. You have no idea how much the eldest has enjoyed being a POOPS member and proudly wears their POOPS shirt. You all were just another positive piece of a puzzle to these children even if briefly and for that Jason and I THANK YOU.
JOB??? whats that? I did have to run and picked up about 20 chickens. Got 5 RIR 4 black sex link and br chicks. and all I wanted was the sex link

So you want sex links? I am considering selling mine not 100% sure yet But I dont thinkthey have a spot in my yard since there a hybrid that dont breed true if what I have been reading is true a sex link wont breed back to a sex link is this correct anyone? If so I got a small flock of layin hens I might sell. Interested on hearing a few peoples input on the sex link.
Hi my Chicken Friends!
Yeah Stimpy is Back!!!
How has everyone been doing?
Grace- I love the website you posted for the chicken revolution. The rap song was hilarious. Who knew owning chickens was a gate way to crime. I just thought they were addicting...

Been on a bit of a vacation for a while from BYC, needed to let life slow down a bit. Had a trip to Albuquerque, NM this week to the Balloon Festa, which was awesome. Stayed with some friends and had a blast. New Mexico isn't bad in the fall. The only times I have been through there was in the summer, when it seemed like the 7th level of h3II. Did loose some birds while gone. Pretty sure it was opossums dug under a couple of weak spots in the grow out pen. Lost some really nice birds but on the bright side my peafowl, turkeys and the rest are just fine.

So who is going to Blanchard this weekend??? I am planning to go. Debating on whether to go to Maude tonight. Have not been there is quite a while.

Well still have some unpacking to do. Was able to score some really cool stuff during the trip, now just need to find someplace to put it all.

Have a wonderful day everyone!!
Carah...I so miss those days also. There were times you couldn't type fast enough to smart off to someone before the conversation had already gone to a new subject. We would have the time of our lives. Heck, we were on here so much that my kids wondered if I was really talking to "chicken friends" or having an online affair.
LOL...not really. Oh, what has happened to us. I could really use some more of those times.

Hope all is going well with everyone. I feel like a dog chasing his tail at times...never enough time in a day.

Monty, I've tried to catch you on here and on facebook but the timing is always off. Maybe we need to set up a time and tell everyone what time to get on and get one of those good old days going again.
Hello! My name is Okla-Doodle-Doo and I am a chickaholic!

Yes I drove four hours round trip and paid $35 for a pair of scrawny chickens!
But hey they are great!.I got my pair of pyncheron bantams. The little hen has her tuff started on her head ,the roo hasn't grown his yet.But they are nice little birds and in very good shape so I am quiet pleased.And it was a nice fall drive thru some country I hadn't seen before.
Donna! Sorry I missed you! With everything going on I could sure use some of those "Good ol'days" it would be nice to get on here & forget about my many lists of things to do. I am pooped tonight. We layed out the elctric tonight & they will start tomorrow. I'm pretty excited. Although that puts me doing the floor next weekend.
TN is so pretty, especially in the Fall. I went to Graduate School in Knoxville (more than a couple of years ago) Now my In-Laws live in Chucky. When ever we visit we want to stay.
Michigan, where I am actually from, has even more fall color because of the Maples, but not as much rolling hillside or any true mountains.
Not that Oklahoma isn't pretty in the Fall. It is just my favorite season, whell maybe Spring is. Maybe I just like having 4 seasons. After 8 years in San Diego, 72 degrees all year round got old. 72 degrees on Christmas Day is Surreal for a Michigander (or Michigoose -Ha).
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