Okies in the BYC The Original

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JOB??? whats that? I did have to run and picked up about 20 chickens. Got 5 RIR 4 black sex link and br chicks. and all I wanted was the sex link

So you want sex links? I am considering selling mine not 100% sure yet But I dont thinkthey have a spot in my yard since there a hybrid that dont breed true if what I have been reading is true a sex link wont breed back to a sex link is this correct anyone? If so I got a small flock of layin hens I might sell. Interested on hearing a few peoples input on the sex link.

Not really sure but there eggs are huge. I talk to alot of people that say theres no better chicken as far as keeping for eggs and ez to keep. I got these in a package deal wanted the reds. but the price was to good on the whole deal to pass up.
Good Morning BYC and you too Monty

I think I will take the day off and work on some prep work for winter. I don't want to wait until the last minute. Besides I enjoy being outside in this beautiful weather. (and away from the electronic leash)
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
M&m are you talking about "corn chops"when you say "cracked "corn? I always heard that "cracked" corn was a big no-no. Supposed to harbor bacteria or something. Any ways I a;ways fed cops as they are smaller and easier for the birds to eat.well I have to run and get some wire and start building cages for the auction tomorrow. Still trying to thin down. But there are so many nice ones to pick from its really hard.Also have a guy comming to get some pigeons.Got the paper work for entering our pigeon show yesterday so I have to decide wich birds I am going to enter and start cleaning and getting them used to show pens.
Wow Buck did you wake up cheerful or what!lol.

Sooner,to bad about the dogs,guess they decided they were bored or thought the chicken was!lol

G's Dad its going to be beautiful here today to,in the 80's. starting to get a little color ,the mornings are sure crispy tho.
Nice & crispy here in the mornings too with a high of 88 today!

Poor bird is in shock, I wondered if he would make it through the night but this morning he is doing fine, I got him set back up & will look into what I can do for winter anyways. I my be moving them into the laying flocks pen to help block the north wind.
as far as I know thats doesnt hold true infact you said you fed boss boss is filled with cracked corn. scratch also contains cracked corn. there is several ways to fatten them up but you must know your nutrition values and be careful not toover do it. Wheat, Cooked rice, pasta, and cracked corn are allgood for adding winter weight However I dont suggest you use rice as you can really over do it with rice as well as pasta's those 2 must really be fed in moderation as a snack only. use 1 pound of cracked corn to 50lbs of layer feed. and only use it from oct threw november after that just issue corn as a treat to maintain there winter weight.
Afternoon everyone!

Well it is another lazy day and I need to get my big butt in gear. Lots of things to do around here, as always.

As for feed, I have to admit my birds are a bit spoiled. My feed mix is kinda bizarre but there is a reason for it. The first ingredient is 19% gamecock ration since it has the whole grains which is more natural for the birds. It also has a pellet in it which is what the 19% is based on so all the other grains in it are just added nutrient. I mix that with scratch which is 9% so that brings the protein level down to 14% which is really to low. To this I add a gamebird grower which is 28%, this brings my protein level up 21% but actually with the added whole grains in the ration I am really at 25%. In addition to the feed I add red crushed peppers (about 1lb to 300lbs of feed) and diatomatious earth (oops on spelling) about a cup per 300lbs. These both added are for multiple purposes. First both are a natural wormer that will not affect eggs. The red pepper helps bring up body temperature especially in the cold season I add a bit more to the feed (as much as 2lbs to 300lbs). The diatomatious earth also provides the chickens with a very usable source of calcium. Both the diatomatious earth and the peppers are mixed to the grower which is then mixed with the ration and scratch. This way I can adjust the feed for the young birds in the grow-out pen different to what I feed the adult turkey, peafowl and chickens.
All the birds seem to be at a healthy weight, especially the big 30lb toms I have strutting around the place.

With adding lights for the winter, I usually only do that for heat. It is important for me to make sure my birds are provided the most natural environment as possible. Since this is my hobby I can do that.

At this point in time I am working on a feeding system and a new watering system for both the main pen and the grow-out pens. Especially the watering system, since I really hate having to haul water twice a day in the winter time.
My goal is to make care of the birds as easy as possible. Cuz I am lazy!!! hehehe

Well off to do some of those chores.
Good Afternnon Okies!!!

I havent accomplished much at all today. I gave the puppy a bath and went to the feed store to get his 7 in 1 shot. Other than that I think Im taking the majority of the day off.

How is everyone elses day going?
LOL, It was fun reading that Musky! I don't mix I would get lost on the %! I just give them scratch in the winter months for something to do not to fatten them up. As a rule they go into winter already at a good weight from all the free ranging & regular diet. Winter months when the snow is on the ground or just muddy an nasty they get extra's as something thing to do. Last winter it was heads of cabage to peck at & I also make homemade sute feeders with peanut butter, corn meal & scratch. I like for them to have something to do because they seem happier.

Since I have found myself with nothing to do tonight I have made a plan. I will be adding straw to all coops, repairing the damage the dogs did on my free standing cages, cleaning out the show coops & adding fresh shavings & if I get all of that done I will start working on general clean up.

Anyone got weekend plans? I think we will try to go to the fair tomorrow if everything works out. Not sure on that yet. Sunday will be church & then a soccer game.
Afternoon Jarvis! Sounds like a good restful day!
I got 12 cages made for the auction.Then I did a hard hearted cull of the roller pigeons and sexed the culls and separated them in case the buyer comes by,if not they will go to the auction. Tonight I will do the culling and caging of the chickens.
So I guess I'll rest and finish up the baby quilt I'm working on.
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