Okies in the BYC The Original

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hes feeding layer pellets an oats in a big hanging feeder an they clean up after his goats.he said he has kept them wormed about every 4 months an got a lite on them from 4 am till daylight
I would think that it was more than a miracle if I could get that many eggs out of my hens. I am always curious as to what folks do differently than I do, to get such a high percentage of eggs from their laying flock. I feel fortunate to get 12 eggs a day out of 25 layers.
check with Yonder Oak, Bob is very near you and has some very good buff Orps. 899-4843

Awww thanks sjarvis, we probably have some chicks but we are down to just a few hens which we are getting ready to thin down even a little more so we'll have some laying hens for sale but probably not any eggs
A buddy of mine went down last night an bot a big load he said he never seen so manny bird's. An as the night went on they got realy cheap.
He said if you put your hand up you bot it. An a guy had a pen of red debeakd hen's he couldnt get a bid on thim so he dumped thim out the back door..
He said some game chicken's sold hi.
Look like you have some nice show stock for sale your self wish we livd closer i could buy some.
Had the pleasure to tour and a nice visit to YonderOaks place recently after seeing the incubators I didn't even ask about eggs LOL was kinda hoping I'd get lucky and find someone that had them to spare, I might put the buff hens with one of the roo's I have and just produce a few eggs, my RR Red roosters aren't gonna like having to share their harem though..
Wife went out this am to check on the babies and discovered that something got in the cage an got my Red Frizzzle Cochin hen. Think'n it was a neighbors cat. Now I am on cat patrole!

Anybody know were I can get another Red Frizzlw hen?

Goingto build a better cage.
I don't think there is a set "formula" for clipping wing feathers, other than the smaller the size of the pen in relation to the number of birds within, the more likely they are to fly over the fence. I don't clip the wings on any of my adult birds and seldom have a problem with them flying over the fence - except when I am trying to confine them to a pen that is about 6 foot by 12 feet. As long as they have plenty of room to run around, mine seem content to stay within the parameters of the fence.

The guineas and turkeys on the other hand, sometimes decide to explore for bugs on the outside of the fence and then forget that they flew over the fence in the first place, so spend the day running up and down the fence trying to get in through the chain link.

The "run" for the 23 chickens is 50 feet by 120 feet. So I'm seriously hoping they will be happy w/ that and I won't have to clip those gorgeous wings that I have been wanting them to grow!!!!! I know you clip the area that can't be seen the flight feathers, it's just the principle!

it would be a good idea to at least put bird netting over the run, for their safety and your peace of mind- it isn't expensive- as far as flying over, it depends on the bird- i have certain ones that will try, then as they get older, they seem to loose interest-
when i work with wild bird rescues, if there has been a cat attack the general rule is to get them on an antibiotic immediatly, cats saliva has a bacteria that will kill a wild bird within 24 hours, not sure if that is true for quail, but i think that it would be a good idea to do in the future
I'm glad I didn't sell any birds this time! It seamed like things were going to be cheap.
There is already a whole flock of un-bid on birds running around there, so those red hens can just join the crowd!

I can deliver any of my sell birds to the Cement/Anadarko or Shawnee poultry shows
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