Okies in the BYC The Original

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i suppose lol , but enabler , sounds better lol

I may be going to europe in may with school , so im sure i will see some birds there i will like , we are going to rome , venice , and somewhere else , so i wonder if i can carry them on the plane with my carry on or to put them in my luggage and or try to ship some back lol
Donnie I'm sure they would be easy to get rid of. At the Amish sale last weekend,the highest birds I saw sell were WCblacks.,a trio brought $21 each bird! Two ladys got in a bidding war,evreyone else was just shaking hjeads!lol I think I would keep the houidans,I had a flock of those once and really liked them. Thier crest aren't as big so they can handle being out if the weather better.
Wow! Y'all called it quits early tonight. I could of used some
and some
I get a kick when someone goes
I always laugh when someone pulls a
You guys are usually worth more
than you were tonight. So
Okay I'll
Hey ODD ( Okladoodledooo),
I will try to get out and take some more pics, they are out and moving around more now, so far still have 13! I had a hen hatch some chicks yesterday, she hatched them in a steel nest group and 4 chicks were running around on the floor of the house when I went to feed, we caught them up and put them back in the nest with her and put a panel up to try and keep them in with her as she was trying to set out the last two eggs. They are some eggs from my laying hens so we will see what they come out as, so far one Austrolorp, one Americauna, and 2 white chicks that I think are Americauna cross White Leghorn. so we will see, They are so cute !!!! Have a great day all!!! Lynn

Good Morning everyone!!!

Well that sealer done me in. I was never so happy to see bedtime in all my life. I was just woke up by a phone call, boy I hate that, nothing like being startled awake. I sure hope there is some action on here today, I think I'm going to need it to stay awake.
I just saw a news story where they are training the National Guard to raise farm animals, including chickens, so they can go to Afghanistan and teach them how to be farmers.

I wonder if they know they already have boots on the ground that know a lot about raising chickens. They should just contact Doc and he can train the entire country!
i may be interrested in them , will they do a deal for all of them .... lol

I dunno. Give them a call. They certainly got them at a good price.

Hey, anybody seen Al around here lately? He seems to have disappeared.
Grace'sDad :

I just saw a news story where they are training the National Guard to raise farm animals, including chickens, so they can go to Afghanistan and teach them how to be farmers.

I wonder if they know they already have boots on the ground that know a lot about raising chickens. They should just contact Doc and he can train the entire country!

LOL so true right?​
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