Okies in the BYC The Original

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I will fall asleep waiting so I have to find other stuff to do! I am sure everyone is doing the winter prep & enjoying this great weather. I know I have been working well into the night doing everything I have to get done.
June, I though you would appreciate this bird - a Frizzled Silkied Serama!

good to see you!

Thanks, I needed the number for Marie to get NPIP tested again, I had to let mine run out cause I had some ducks I couldn't catch. Now they are all gone and I knew you had it in your siggy line. I still have your cage BTW.
Hey everyOkie! Been a long time since I was able to post - I have been working on projects that keep me away from BYC. Anyway, I caught up between yesterday and just now and I was so happy to see posts from Slightly Cracked, Pepper and Queen Scoot in the past few days - and is that a post from Luvs2Garden Tina? Wow - I thought of you this morning when I put on those crocheted sock/house shoes. And STIMPY!! So good to hear from all of you!

Love your floors, Sooner. I saw you said hi on Facebook - which I haven't had time to check, either!

Congrats to Macy on her deer, Michael.

Great job at the show Grace!

OklaDoodle Wayne - great job on posting the pictures - loved the ones from the auction and I think your snake gourd photos are just right for Halloween. (I wonder if decorating those would be a fun thing for the kids to do at the next POOPS?)

My chickens have slowed down from 12 eggs a day to about 6 - one of the little RIRs has laid a shell-less egg the past two days - for some reason I have been looking at her both times and seen it fall out of her as she walks around - okay, one day another hen saw what she had partially expelled it and snatched it out. Today Jack and I were restocking some equipment in the company storage room (my basement) and she slithered the goopy egg sans shell out right beside the back door. Jack saw it and proclaimed it the "Total Gross-Out of the Year," which I think is just funny since the Total Gross-Out of the Year for 2009 was when Titus yacked up a partially eaten mouse right in front of Jack. I know - lame stuff compared to what most of us have to deal with - there's not a lot of animal-related occurrences that can gross me out anymore...sigh.

Supposed to frost/freeze tonight - I'm going out in the dark to pick green tomatoes and whatever peppers are on the bushes...

Keep up the chatting all - when I get the time I will be back to post again!

Miss you.
My first year cochin hatch out babies, I think I posted about it the other day: Here are her babies, best I can tell she has 18 or 19 under her & one in the house.



The one in the house had zipped but she had left the nest, I went out & saw it but thought the chick was dead in the shell (I had removed some of the shell & saw no movement) since it was ice cold. As we were setting up a barrier for her & the chicks to remain in the pen but not be bothered by the others Madison noticed that it was moving it's wing so we rushed it in the house after taking it the rest of the way out of the shell & put the hair dryer on it. It is now chirpping loudly on a heating pad & under a light. I hope I can sneak it back under momma tomorrow.
Okay, I know I'm a bit late. I've been so busy this week that I haven't been able to even keep caught up. I'm trying to read through all the posts now.

You might want to ask Buster (or was it Al?) about the joy of trying to cook a 45 lb turkey. As I recall, one of them had several especially large turkeys last year and in addition to the challenge of finding a pot large enough for boiled water, the bird didn't fit into the oven for roasting.

Last year, I ended up having to cut my turkey in half to cook. It was too big for everything, including my roaster. I had half a turkey for Thanksgiving and the other half for Christmas.
hey sooner! awesome babies, how do you get your cochin to go broody??

when i was putting the banties up tonite, i noticed Nimi the duccle is really thin, she has become the bottom hen in the flock- is it possible she isn't getting enough to eat? could the harassing of the others cause her to get thin like that?

our shed came in so we will be starting the super-coop tomorow...
Thanks Robin, I didn't have anything to do with her going broody, as a matter a fact I tried to get her off the nest because I didn't want babie in the winter. She had other plan & I didn't have a pen to put her in I gave up.

Yes the one at the bottom of the pecking order can get thin from not getting as much but don't you let them free range & leave food out all the time??? I would also check her for mites, if possible take her out & give her feed & put her back or have several places for them to eat so she always has a chance to get her fair share.
thanks- no the banties don't freerange, they have a nice size pen though- will add more feeding areas, i feel sorry for her- she was top hen but somehow got demoted- the large birds free range, and they are all eating well- can't wait to get them in the big coop- theirs is 8 x 4 now and the shed aka coop is 10 x 10 - so will probably not have the bickering at nite... found the biggest possum i have ever seen under the house- we thought he was sleeping- but i took pics and he obviously is in possum heaven- he is huge...
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