Okies in the BYC The Original

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Has anyone cut some persimmon seeds in half to see if they contain a spoon, fork or knife - one of our favorite ways to predict the winter weather?

I cut some this past weekend - from persimmons gathered in Eastern Oklahoma - and they contained spoons. Now, if I can just remember what that is supposed to predict

Where is TJ's NaNa? She was good about understanding the weather predictions contained in the Farmer's Almanac.
Uh oh - last winter we had that terrible ice and snow on Christmas Eve and another snow storm on March 19, at the end of Spring Break. I don't recall for certain what all we had in between those two dates, but my office was shut down a couple of days because of poor road conditions and the kids used up all their snow days between January and March.
Uh oh - last winter we had that terrible ice and snow on Christmas Eve and another snow storm on March 19, at the end of Spring Break. I don't recall for certain what all we had in between those two dates, but my office was shut down a couple of days because of poor road conditions and the kids used up all their snow days between January and March.

Yea we are getting well prepared this year for the "wet" to come in. Way it is predicted is the snow more than the ice. Lets hope if its wet that it is snow.
I will bring you some fawn hen runners. I was looking at them this evening and it appears that we have several of them to spare. Jaxon will be overjoyed that he gets to catch some runner ducks.

Let me know if you forget to bring pillow cases - I have some of those to spare also
I thought "fork" was last year. Great! I never can keep these kind of things straight.

that is probably because different almanacs predicted different weather patterns for Oklahoma last year and different web sites give different meanings for the "fork, spoon and knife" interpretation.
Was it in 2008 that the Shawnee show was affected by a snow storm the second weekend in December?

The big ice storm was 2007 when the show was cut short. Don't like to remember that. Nine days without power but some others had it much worse.

2007 was the year of the ice pick! I think this is the year of the spatula for persimmons.
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I believe the spoon means lots of snow.

I know a cattleman here near me & he said his cows are putting on a thick winter coat (more than normal) & the calfs are coming out with a thick coat as well. I had another guy tell me that on his dad's place they have a cherry tree & that the cherry tree was just full this year & the last time he seen it that way was when he was a kid & they had one of the worst winters he can remember for snow.
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