Okies in the BYC The Original

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We are gonna try and do something. I have been looking at prices and I am not sure what we can afford to do right now. We might do a European mount. Those are about the most economical.
I will pass the word on to her. Check your PM's about mounting.

Where is everyone today!? PLease don't tell me I am the only one at work slaving away!
I will pass the word on to her. Check your PM's about mounting.

Where is everyone today!? PLease don't tell me I am the only one at work slaving away!
She has been busy with some big work projects plus I know she was in Texas for a while after her stepdad had surgery. She told me last week to tell everyone hi and she would get back on BYC as soon as she could.

Tell her I said "hey" and that I miss her.

hi guys.... where is everyone? we've been frantically trying to get the coop done before the weather hits- the old coop leaks.... other than that- not much is going on- other than the girls arguing over an old cardboard box to lay eggs
Lynn - thanks for the identification information on my game hens. The Red Quill is beautiful. She's so curious. Someone at Fletcher said the black hen is a "wolsey something." Is there a variety called black wolsey, or some variation of wolsey? I should have asked for the correct spelling. There were two Mohegan cross game pullets at Fletcher. Their crests were beautiful.

I think it is probably Hulsey instead of Wolsy. The reduuill is very pretty.

There aren't any black hulseys that i know of.


Just call her black.
i'm real interested in what the molted hen will feather out like.
Thread seems slow today. Hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the wonderful weather. We've been shopping for building supplies all day, so I'm worn out. I hope the good weather holds so that we can get the new pens roofed without too much difficulty.

We lost a banty rooster today. He was bitten by a little black snake a few days ago and had been lame and lethargic as a result. When I checked him this evening, he looked like he was asleep, but he was gone. I've looked in every nook and cranny in the barn to be sure there aren't any more snakes. It's nearly winter. It's too late in the season for snakes. I hope there isn't a nest of the little biters hidden under the stoop.

Can somebody post the lowdown on the December show in Shawnee? I'm curious about folks selling birds there. I know the birds in the show have to be tested, but are the folks selling or swapping required to register, test, or declare their intentions to sell/trade birds? Will the birds being sold be traded in the parking lot, or is there a seller's area inside? Thanks in advance. I'm hoping to go for the day on Saturday, and I want to know what to expect.
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