Okies in the BYC The Original

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We like that song a lot too- I wouldn't be able to keep working in the city if I didn't get to go home every night to the sticks!
There is a sale area inside. Those birds would have to be from a NPIP flock, and I am sure would have to be from people actually showing there. You have to pay to use that area, anyway.
Last year I used Shawnee as a meeting place, basically. And delivered some of my pre-sold birds to people who were going to be there. I'm planning on doing the same this year
In fact, I have already started a list of what I have available to bring/sell at Shawnee this year

No bantam cochins for sale?
Tell you what, I was wondering what kind of smelly karma I had brought on myself there for a while! First we thought the dogs were barking because they had been left outside. I opened the patio slider door and BAM, eau de skunk nailed me. I ran outside to try and keep the dogs from antagonizing the skunk anymore and ran right up into the cloud of PURPLE FUNK
that the thing had let off. This was in the BACK yard, 1/2 acre or more away from my truck. Then the freakin thing found a way under the house, where it evidently scared the skunk that was in residence because they both sprayed UNDER the house, oh yeah my favorite part, right under the master bedroom closet. Just shoot me now! Then the one skunk hi tails it back outside, right into the middle of the dogs I'm trying to get back inside....here we go again....Dear God In Heaven, I have never in my whole and entire smelled anything so rank. So, bathe the dogs in Dawn dish soap, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Shower and bathe us in the same mixture and try to sleep.

Next morning, we've all got the migraine headaches from Hades
, and I jumped in the truck to go to PETCO to get some deodorizers. I hit the front door at Petco and I swear everyone in the store bailed as fast as they could go. The clerks all came running with skunk deodorizers in hand. My poor husband went to work and stank up the entire crew's quarters so bad they all left...ROFL
Three days later he was still getting calls from the crews out at the air base telling him how bad the trailer smelled.

We got the skunks removed and rehomed. Then had to persuade the racoons and possums to move out from under the house and finally got all the spots we hadn't ever noticed covered up and got hardware cloth buried all around the foundation of the house!

The house took an entire month to quit stinking and to this day I'm find things in the closet that got missed when I did the laundry to de-stinky my clothes. Every now and again I get a whiff of a shirt that didn't go through the wash......Bleeeeeehhhh! That was 1 1/2 YEARS ago that we got so thoroughly skunked. I don't care if I never see another one up close and personal. SHEEESH!

Woah!!!!! Your skunk incident sounds like it should be in a Chevy Chase/Vacation movie.
Not right now
But I might have eggs

Jack, my neighbor and hatcher, has shut down his incubator for the winter.
One day I'll own one of your nice cochins!
Sounds like they have a vitamin or mineral deficiency. I'd start them on some probiotics & add some vitamins to their water.

Sand always makes a good substrate and it's easy to scoop the poop out

I put burlap sacks back down and the blood has instantly stopped no more problems with it I think it was perhaps chicks raised on wire instead of chips.
A few years back I was on the board of the Okla. Gamefowl Breeders Assoc. and the presidents name was Lonny Woolsey, he was from PoncaCity and had several lines of Gamefowl he bred for different purposess, he did have a line of blacks that had some Warhorse blood in them and some BrownRed in them, some came solid black, I am not saying these came from him as when Cockers bred a line of birds for a while they would tag them with their own name or whatever they wanted to call them, SOOOOOOO Call them what ever you want, it is almost impossible to tell a breed of gamefowl by the color as most Cockers didn't breed for color they bred for performance and they really didn't care what color they were, there were some Cockers that were the exception to this rule but not most, and most were happy to stick their name on any line of bird that was winning for them at the time! I say if you like them call them whatever you want. I am STILL interested in that RedQuill hen though!!!!
( Hello Micheal are ya listenin!!!!????) Lynn

I think it is probably Hulsey instead of Wolsy. The reduuill is very pretty.

There aren't any black hulseys that i know of.


Just call her black.
i'm real interested in what the molted hen will feather out like.
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