Okies in the BYC The Original

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i didnt get to make it up there , but joe called me we were both supposed to get a roo and two hens each , and well joe said the guy didnt do a great job on sexing the birds at 4.5 months old , so we both got three hens and then he bought a roo for him , so he is going to call the guy and see about me buying a roo .
Tell you what, I was wondering what kind of smelly karma I had brought on myself there for a while! First we thought the dogs were barking because they had been left outside. I opened the patio slider door and BAM, eau de skunk nailed me. I ran outside to try and keep the dogs from antagonizing the skunk anymore and ran right up into the cloud of PURPLE FUNK
that the thing had let off. This was in the BACK yard, 1/2 acre or more away from my truck. Then the freakin thing found a way under the house, where it evidently scared the skunk that was in residence because they both sprayed UNDER the house, oh yeah my favorite part, right under the master bedroom closet. Just shoot me now! Then the one skunk hi tails it back outside, right into the middle of the dogs I'm trying to get back inside....here we go again....Dear God In Heaven, I have never in my whole and entire smelled anything so rank. So, bathe the dogs in Dawn dish soap, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Shower and bathe us in the same mixture and try to sleep.

Next morning, we've all got the migraine headaches from Hades
, and I jumped in the truck to go to PETCO to get some deodorizers. I hit the front door at Petco and I swear everyone in the store bailed as fast as they could go. The clerks all came running with skunk deodorizers in hand. My poor husband went to work and stank up the entire crew's quarters so bad they all left...ROFL
Three days later he was still getting calls from the crews out at the air base telling him how bad the trailer smelled.

We got the skunks removed and rehomed. Then had to persuade the racoons and possums to move out from under the house and finally got all the spots we hadn't ever noticed covered up and got hardware cloth buried all around the foundation of the house!

The house took an entire month to quit stinking and to this day I'm find things in the closet that got missed when I did the laundry to de-stinky my clothes. Every now and again I get a whiff of a shirt that didn't go through the wash......Bleeeeeehhhh! That was 1 1/2 YEARS ago that we got so thoroughly skunked. I don't care if I never see another one up close and personal. SHEEESH!

I realize that this is only funny because it didn't happen to me, but I have tears running down my face from laughing. I can smell it without even being there
We got the skunks removed and rehomed. Then had to persuade the racoons and possums to move out from under the house and finally got all the spots we hadn't ever noticed covered up and got hardware cloth buried all around the foundation of the house!

The house took an entire month to quit stinking and to this day I'm find things in the closet that got missed when I did the laundry to de-stinky my clothes. Every now and again I get a whiff of a shirt that didn't go through the wash......Bleeeeeehhhh! That was 1 1/2 YEARS ago that we got so thoroughly skunked. I don't care if I never see another one up close and personal. SHEEESH!

Woah!!!!! Your skunk incident sounds like it should be in a Chevy Chase/Vacation movie.

you got me laughing so hard!! you really need to make a movie of that one and show it at the next poops!

Disclaimer: there are some mighty nice folks on this thread, but some of us are addicted to hatching poultry, attending poultry auctions and otherwise acquiring poultry. Since addicts tend to be enablers, we may try to assist you in acquiring the same addictions we enjoy.

Too late. My DH just built runs to make coop bigger and I told him, "you know I'm just gonna get more chickens?" and he said, "yes, I know"

Disclaimer: there are some mighty nice folks on this thread, but some of us are addicted to hatching poultry, attending poultry auctions and otherwise acquiring poultry. Since addicts tend to be enablers, we may try to assist you in acquiring the same addictions we enjoy.

Too late. My DH just built runs to make coop bigger and I told him, "you know I'm just gonna get more chickens?" and he said, "yes, I know"

Poultry & Bees and Artsyrobin, it's hysterically funny now, and even then, when I walked in the door to Petco and all you could see was people trying to get away from me, it was pretty funny! My dogs got to where they LOVED baths, anything to get that stink off. LOL!

Shortly after all that, once the house and my truck didn't smell so awful anymore, I was out feeding the horses one night. All my barn cats were kind of edgy and fluffed up and stalking around going, "Mrrrrrrr, mrrrr - Rrrrrrrr" and I couldn't see what had them so upset. I have several black & white barn cats, and unless I'm wearing my glasses, I don't always realize it's not a cat. I saw several kittens playing with what I thought was Inky, my big black boy and thought, "OOOOH HOW SWEEEEET!" and headed that way to play with the kitties. Uh HUH! I got a little closer and Inky started stamping his little front feet at me and I realized he'd grown some white stripes......I lit out of that feed barn like I was on FIRE! ROFL


I don't think I'll be making any movies of it though, just telling about it is making me smell skunk......FAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGH!
Poop has Cocci in it. The levels of Dangerous Cocci is combined in chicks who eat the Poo and eat dirt. Then there body intakes so much Cocci that its Natural immunity systems can't Fight it off. Also its bad to feed chicks (In my honest opinion) Medicated feed if they are in sanitized brooders that never get dirty. The body isnt absorbing enough cocci just from the poo and chicks can fight it off in most cases with there natural immunity systems. So its almost like the old saying " If it ain't broke don't fix it" ""After the second or third division, the schizonts invade further cells, where gametogeny, or sexual division, occurs. This simply means that each schizont becomes either male or female, with the males fertilising the females and the fertilised oocyts breaking out of the affected cells and passing out of the infected animal’s body in its droppings. Under suitable conditions, further division occurs in the soil and the oocyst becomes infective.""Oocytes can be dust-borne once they sporulate and the faeces break down. Unless conditions are just right in Nature, they just lie there and build up. If animals are housed in small enclosed areas over a long period, oocysts are continually being built up"" Cocci can lay dorment in the ground for years.
Incase your wondering where I am going with all this. I have learned to try to take my NPIP seriously. and I have checked all revinues and short cuts over this huge learning experience. If I use sand and filter it clean then it could one work for me by acting as grit. and a nice bed of cocci for the chicks to actually battle and grow immune to. (which is as I found the best method to feeding birds medicated feed is giving them a dust box full of dirt from the chicken yard to dust in and eat as needed.) Or over time the fact that my very old barn would hold enough granules to perhaps build up causing mortality in my chicks. and you don't want to give your birds super high levels of cocci. This can cause an outbreak. If I am just filtering the dirt then I am building up the Oocytes in my sand. and maybe not for a very long time but there might be that one rare case where I have a batch in and I cause an outbreak, And the fact that sand sticks to everything and gets into everything could be destructive to my Environment.
Sorry for the long rant but to me with everything I have been threw doesn't seem like good odds to me. What works wonderful for some. Don't set well with others I guess. I want to thank you kindly for the advice. It is definatly appreciated, infact I do use sand in every cage from the river. Just decided against it in brooders.
Well guess I will have to quit teasing Teach about my black Parlor pigeons. Went out to feed them and lost them. Just my luck anymore.

The cold front is coming in.Guess I will have to turn the heat up for Saturday night. Hope to see all of you that can make it to Blanchard
Well I did accomplish a lot today but right now I am the one that is whipped.
Tomorrow is another day, wait, its already tomorrow.

Today is another day!
Good Morning~

I am so happy today is my last work day! It will be a long day as we are having computer issues & the tech contacted me yesterday after I was already home. Monty you got alot done, good for you! The skunk stories are too funny & isn't it strange that you can smell it just by talking about it. lol.

I'm buying paint today in hopes of having some time to paint this weekend.
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