Okies in the BYC The Original

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Good morning, everyb o d y!
Gotta keep pushing through today. Gonna go out to the fire cave and make sure ole Kronk still knows how to make the gobble birds taste just right.
Hopefully I will have some time to pop on here.
Hope everyone has a great day getting ready for Thanksgiving.
Banjo, glad you got the Coronation Sussex. There was someone else who was looking for those too.
Steph, some day I will get with you guys to get everything back to you and get those trays.
Sooner, Your the only pedrson I know that looks forward to painting! Well except for Robin but thats different.
I have to paint a little bit today also.
I just gotta be sure to not paint the turkey and baste the hallway!
:lol:GOOOOOOOOD Morning Oklahoma! Another gorgeous day up in COWBOY country! GOOOOO 'POKES, whup 'em Sooner like they STOLED sumpin!

No more skunk talk from me. Turns out there was a reason I could smell it as I told about it......ahem......Not in my yard this time but SOMEBUNNY got skonked thoroughly last night. Could still smell it this morning, though faintly, when I went to let my chickens out of chicken jail. They love their coop at night, but come sun up, that's it, let me out, wanna range.

So today I'll swap the warming light for the heating light, put in some extra bedding for my lovely chickies and stock 'em up on lots of food, and unfreezable water. Gotta make sure my girls are all tucked in safe and sound for the cold spell.

Barn kikis have extra food, horsey blankies are all washed and fresh and horses will get extra feed tonight too. It's gonna be a 3 dog night, thank goodness I have 3 of the snugglinest Jack Russell Terrorists that ever lived. BRRRRRRR!

This cold is just wrong. I went for a lovely trail ride yesterday and the weather was just perfect! Now it's gonna be so cold we're gonna have to look like the Michelin tire guy.....hmph!
Joe, I am glad he is working at picking his birds, my daughter is working to calm a couple of new birds she has, thinking about bring them in Dec. I might bring an extra bird to see if anyone can tell me what he is.

Monty, after hanging sheetrock I do look forward to painting & it gets me closer to the end! I am praying at this point to be in my new house by Christmas!
Hiya Everyone, Hadn't posted in a while thought I'd let ya'll know I'm still a kickin' just been busy lately too many irons oin the fire, I have no idea what all i've missed I will try later to get all caught up on the thread it will take a while LOL

I rmrber having skunk problems when I was young and the dogs and us kids along with all the clothes were soaked and scrubbed with tomato juice it took the smell out of everthing first wash I don't know that anything works better than just plain old tomato juice.

I still have about 85 chickies they are growing so fast I've only lost one and that was my fault I sat the feeder in the box and pinned a leg under it the poor thing was trampled to death while I was at work other than that no problems at all and of course that one was one of Tinks offspring but still have 28 barred rocks the rest are going to be a wide range of colors from Reds-Buffs-to almost all white not sure where that came from I would have expected the buff color but nothing lighter out of them, they will still be big chickens and should all lay brown eggs,

what is a good age to start taking these birds to auction? I'll not be keeping any of those birds past point of lay I don't think.
ELWOOD-i start tacking my birds to the auction at 4/5 mounths on new birds and affter one laying year on parant stock this give the buyer a good yong bird and i keep yong birds as well
Luvs, Elwood, and City!

Good to see some of the wayward souls returning?

KronK say "Gobble bird in fire cave getting smelly and brown.
KronK no burn hair or skin while make fire. Good day for KronK!"
KronK say Happy Day for giving thanks when bright sky light go to bed and wake up and come back.
Kronk need make one word for sky light talk.. Too many words about sky light.

Kronk think cackle birds eat too much. Kronk need go to man and trade for cackle bird food.
Man mean. Not take just anything in trade. Mean man want money. What money? Kronk no got money.

OK enough from Kronk. For you newbies I am sure there is someone out there that can explain about Kronk.
I think we just had another little earthquake a few minutes ago. Was of shorter duration, but felt like the other one. I just happen to be in the same place I was when the other one hit--at my computer.
I heard there was another quake too!
It was only about 15 miles from me. Up by Jones but I didn't feel it.
Not sure why I never notice these things.
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