Okies in the BYC The Original

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sure do joe thanks for picking them up for me ....

joe how come your not going to shawnee on the 11th ... you would probally find those dark brahmas you been looking for and im sure you could find alot more too, not that im an enabler or anything lol
and Happy Cyber Monday Okies! I, for one, won't be buying anything today because between my Friday shopping and what my husband spent on the chicken coop this weekend we are broke until next payday.

We lost our first chicken to a predator this weekend (Sat night). It was one of our RIR 9 week old roos. He was in our aframe with his 4 bros, a few hens plus 2 older (just started crowing) Black Australorp Roos and our bantam. We found him in the middle of the coop with this head almost completely torn off, through the bone and everything. We came to the conclusion that there is no way another bird did this. Anyway he has been with them for 3 weeks and he's not big enough to threaten the roosters so I'm sure they are not guilty and fairly sure they could not have done this kind of damage if they tried. We are thinking maybe a possum or skunk got in under the aframe and got him while the others are sleeping, but do they normally just kill and run? He wasn't even near the edge like they tried to get him out and we found no place anything had dug under. Very strange. Very sad. We tarped the aframe last night and put hay bales around the edges, plus Luke sat in the truck "on the hunt" until about 11, but never saw anything. We know we have a possum and a raccoon. Our cat had an alibi, she had snuck in the house and slept with my son, so she's off the list. She does fine with them when they are out anyway. So any ideas on the culprit? Our traps from atwood's have done no good, but I think my cousin has some for us to try.
wish i could go to shawnee but have to stay close to home and i forgot that it was that weekend darn
mabey you could keep an eye out for me on those bramas
Had the same thing this summer...heads torn off. If it was a predator, it most likely would have been eaten or dragged...we put up a game cam and caught 2 cats...In our case, kitties are to blame when there is a kill with no consumption.
Had the same thing this summer...heads torn off. If it was a predator, it most likely would have been eaten or dragged...we put up a game cam and caught 2 cats...In our case, kitties are to blame when there is a kill with no consumption.

Well because I know Shadow was in the house at dark (when the door got shut) and that was the same time the chickens doors were shut and the little roos were the last rounded up, I know she didn't do it. None of our neighbors have cats, but I have seen some strays though not recently. We will have a new trap set tonight so hopefully whatever it is will get caught. And if its a stray cat, well it will meet the same fate as if it were a coon, possum or skunk. (Use your imagination!)
Howdy y'all! I have officially gone over the edge into 'chicken addiction' or just plum lost it. Today one of my buff Ameracauna girls had a poopy bottom so I picked her up and brought her in to give her a chickie spa treatment. Amazing thing was, she loved it, right down to the blow dryer. I even sat here with her wrapped in a towel, with her on my knee reading while I typed...
She especially seemed to like the blow dry fluff and brushing.....Hah, I don't have enough animals around here I gotta start groomin' the chickens for Heaven's sake.
Yes that's my baby!!

There wasn't a show, the paper did a story about 4H & she showed a couple of her chickens. I'm just glad they cut me out of the picture because I didn't want to be in it.
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