Okies in the BYC The Original

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I too would love to be a part of the processing. If it were done as part of POOPS it will be difficult to fit it into the day considering all the events already happening. I don't know about everyone else but I run from the time I get there to the time I leave.

Well, it's just an offer. If the Powers That Be (Monty, Al, et al) decide it's a workable idea and figure out a way to squeeze it in, I'll be happy to bring my equipment and a few birds and be part of the program.

Maybe some of the others who do their own processing could show different ways of doing the same thing. I have found from reading the Meat Bird section that there are about a hundred ways to process a bird for the table. Let folks pick and choose what works for them.
Came home awhile ago, after having been gone about four hours. Shiloh met me at the gate, and I could hear the chickens carrying on at the bottom of the yard, which is where most of them are housed. Of course, the chickens and guineas carry on a lot, and I usually don't ever know why. This is only the second time Shiloh has met me at the gate; she has a healthy respect for the vehicles and usually stays on the back porch when we are coming and going.

I put her in the barn and fed her, as I was going to continue moving youngsters--a chore I started before I left. I put Shiloh up when I'm feeding, as I feel the activity is too tempting.

When I got down to the bottom of the driveway, my smallest white silkie was crouching very low and still at the edge--my silkies are in pens and not loose. I immediately knew what I'd done. I was running a bit late this morning and the guinea who is lowest on the pecking order and has chosen to live with the white silkies had gone out when I fed this morning. She usually wants right back in as the other guineas chase her relentlessly; so I left the pen door open while I finished feeding. FORGOT to go back and close it, so the pen was wide open all day.

Fearing the worst, I picked the white silkie up, but could find no injuries. I expected carnage in the pen, which houses two other white silkies as well as the lone guinea. Instead, I found calm birds going about their business. The entire guinea flock was dust bathing a few feet away, and not at all freaked out as I expected! I've checked on the small silkie several times, and she seems to be moving about normally. She went broody just yesterday on one egg, which I removed this morning. This made her more docile than usual, and might have been her saving grace.

I'm not 100% sure it was Shiloh who took her up to the driveway, but it is highly likely. From feather evidence, it looks like she wandered out the door (she's prone to do that whenever she can) and Shiloh came across her about 50 feet away.

I DO feel this is evidence of Shiloh's intent toward the birds, which is apparently nothing more than as objects of interest or playthings. She's about six months old now, and very quick, so I feel certain if she'd meant harm, the bird would have been dead. I don't know if she'd just found her, had her awhile, or even had her at all.

I'm getting more and more forgetful--I miss my mind the most!
I know just how you feel. Anyway, glad everything turned out OK.
Today went SUPER slow! I am home now and somewhat caught up. Now it is time to start thinking about dinner.

I'm not sure if anyone remembers me mentioning my dog having puppies or not, but here are some pics. They are 4 1/2 weeks old now and have such cute personalities.
It is difficult to get good pics because they don't like to hold still long enough.
They have started to eat solid food.




Edited to add link to facebook photo album with all the puppy pics so far. (Just in case you need even more cuteness.)

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Heya, Stimp.

No, not really. Just suggesting an idea for the next POOPS, which I understand will be some time in the Spring. A couple of folks mentioned they were interested in learning to process chickens and needed a central location. I just figured POOPS would be the ideal situation/setting for such a deal.

Hope you are doing well.
Today went SUPER slow! I am home now and somewhat caught up. Now it is time to start thinking about dinner.

And then you post pictures of puppies?
Happy 3rd day of Hanukkah everyone..

Would you all believe me that my chickens have decided to start laying again!
I think they heard I was gonna be butchering chickens and they decided to lay because NO JOKE we are getting between 4-6 eggs a day this past several days.. I am not complaining but still a wee bit shocked..

Anyhow I thought I would pop on and say hello
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