Okies in the BYC The Original

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You have found a wonderful group of folks who either live in Oklahoma or wish they lived in Oklahoma.

I don't see where you previously posted on this thread (perhaps it was one of the posts that were deleted when housekeeping was done recently) so please tell us about what kind of birds you have and what you would like to acquire
my sympathies...I did that last week...well...actually I watch them eat every week...we have good cafeteria food. I just had to watch them be stupid after lunch. We sat outside in the cold...it is fun to hear them complain.

I have after school bus duty. What a zoo!
I had a coyote at my pen about 5 weeks ago, By the time I got to the door it was almost to the brush, I have 4 foot fencing outside my chicken wire, haven't seen any sighn of it sense, But I do have a GP in my goat pen which starts about 80 feet from my chicken pen. I picked up 5 Lt. Brahmas yesterday, Now I just need a Dk Brahma and a Blue Orp Roo's. Probably have to sell some of my others to make room for these. Bought more than I planned on.
my sympathies...I did that last week...well...actually I watch them eat every week...we have good cafeteria food. I just had to watch them be stupid after lunch. We sat outside in the cold...it is fun to hear them complain.

I have after school bus duty. What a zoo!

And I repeat - it is my opinion there is a special place in heaven for folks who can be teachers without losing their mind and/or sense of humor

I had a coyote at my pen about 5 weeks ago, By the time I got to the door it was almost to the brush, I have 4 foot fencing outside my chicken wire, haven't seen any sighn of it sense, But I do have a GP in my goat pen which starts about 80 feet from my chicken pen. I picked up 5 Lt. Brahmas yesterday, Now I just need a Dk Brahma and a Blue Orp Roo's. Probably have to sell some of my others to make room for these. Bought more than I planned on.

You won't have more than you need until you can throw another dozen into the flock and not even notice them as long as they are of similar colors
I had a coyote at my pen about 5 weeks ago, By the time I got to the door it was almost to the brush, I have 4 foot fencing outside my chicken wire, haven't seen any sighn of it sense, But I do have a GP in my goat pen which starts about 80 feet from my chicken pen. I picked up 5 Lt. Brahmas yesterday, Now I just need a Dk Brahma and a Blue Orp Roo's. Probably have to sell some of my others to make room for these. Bought more than I planned on.

"Bought more than I planned on" - Oh that NEVER happens to anyone around here. How is it that chickens are so hard to resist?
Hey Okies,

I'm sorry to say that some has come up and I can't make it to Shawnee this year. Maybe I'll get to see y'all at a sale or something, on down the road.

I blame my brother, if he hadn't bought his and every time I went to his house there they were, walking around the yard just like my grandparents I probably wouldn't have any.
Stimp - Sorry that you won't be able to make it to Shawnee. Hopefully, you will be able to make it to some sales when it gets a little bit warmer.
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