Okies in the BYC The Original

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good morning everyone, just wanted to comment on the show yesterday. Being the first ive ever seen i thought it was pretty amazing seein that many brautiful birds in 1 place. I was really shocked @ how big some of them were. I saw some chickens that were bigger than some turkeys. Wow. Good job everone.
Had a good time at the show yesterday. Got there too late to go eat but I did get to vist with few BYC'ers. I am thinking now that what I was told was a Blue Cochin maybe a Blue Lankershin. I will try to post a pic and maybe you guys can tell me what she is. Her eggs are a darker brown then my other cochins eggs are and she is the only one laying at this time and it is on a daily basis.

I am also thinking about getting a couple of duck for wasp and sticker control so I was checking them out. Those Muscovy sure are very different looking. I am afraid that they might scare my grandkids. lol

How was the Blanchard auction?
See ya guys later
Great! I'm glad they made it home safely, and that you like them
If you find a duck translator, please let me know

Sorry they made a mess of themselves...But the good thing with ducks, is that all you have to do is give them a source of clean water, and they make themselves clean ducks!
Got there too late to go eat but I did get to vist with few BYC'ers. I am thinking now that what I was told was a Blue Cochin maybe a Blue Lankershin. I will try to post a pic and maybe you guys can tell me what she is. Her eggs are a darker brown then my other cochins eggs are and she is the only one laying at this time and it is on a daily basis.

How was the Blanchard auction?
See ya guys later

Sure! If it does wind up being a Langshan would you be up for a sale? But I should be able to help you figure it out when you post the photo!​
All done moving birds around, man what commotion, and the new pecking order begins. Now to relax and watch some football, the Girls left to go Christmas shopping they didn't want to be around while the TV is blaring and me screaming obsenities into the screen LOL. My Bears play today on TV.

I had a blast at Shawnee! So nice to meet some of you I haven't met before, and to see so many good friends that I have met. I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to many of you - I saw Bethinoklahoma and her gang, but they were loaded down with Silkies and seemed to be taking them out of there when I saw them. Dandelion - sorry I missed you!

I hung out with Buckguy mostly - he tried to get rid of me a couple of times but I always found him again. The first people I saw when I arrived were Little Teach Roy, Buckguy's Jared and the Other Little Teach Clayton. Those kids are awesome as always and I enjoyed seeing them - we do need to meet up often just so we'll be able to recognize these kids as they grow so fast!

I always so enjoy talking to Betsy and I learn so much about Silkies - seeing my Chicken Friends is truly a joy!
Here are a few pictures - I'm sorry I didn't take as many as I would have liked.

Below, Buckguy Monty and mgigjx Mary Jo discuss future chicken acquisition plans.

Below - Muesky Rebecca photographs a bantam blue Ameracauna (?) in the show area. Did you buy it, Rebecca?

Below is a photo of part of the lunch table - again, I'm sorry for not getting more and better photos!
Far side L-R is Sjarvis Carl & Stephanie, Mgigjx Mary Jo and Joe
Near end - back of Kwartel Kesia's head, BetsyOK, RodriguezPoultry's fiancee (don't remember his name - sorry!), OkJunebug June, and Donnie

Buckguy and Al at the head of the table - surveying the group and plotting in their little heads, no doubt.

Al and Teach Roy chatting - nothing but orneryness can possibly come of these two getting their heads together!

Betsy's prize splash Showgirl laid an egg in her show pen, and Betsy carried it with her for a while in the hopes of giving it away to some lucky young person to hatch. The egg had its own plate at lunch, and Kwartel Kesia was kind enough to snap this photo for me!

Below is just a handful of people who made it to lunch - L-R: Pepper 48_98 Charlie, Al, Sjarvis Stephanie with Carl peeking out behind her, Buckguy Monty, Greybear Lynn and his son and daughter Dakota & Heather.
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