Okies in the BYC The Original

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Oh no! Sooner has been assimilated.


So funny & so true!!!!
I am sending the standard via email Monty.

It appears they are all yellow legged & I went out in the cold to get that book for you!

ETA I am not sending it, I am re-scanning it.
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Hello all. I have been lurking, but have been too busy to do much else. I have question for some one to answer. There have been a couple of fox in my neighborhood. I believe that they have decided to take up permanent residence under the shed across the street. So far, they haven't tried to get to my birds, but I know that they eventually will. They have done their best to irritate the heck out of my dogs and all the neighbors' dogs. I'm sure the cat population has dwindled a little also. Luckily all of my cats are kept indoors. I need to know what to use as bait to trap them.

As far as my birds go . . . I think Mr. Goose is finally over losing his mate. It was difficult the first week. He was constantly calling for her. I have 2 broody Seramas. All three of my RIR hens are still laying daily. My broody duck finally gave up on her nest of bad eggs and is back to laying. I think the Mallard babies have started laying because I see a green egg occasionally. They usually keep their nest hidden and I let them have it. I don't save the duck eggs, so if they hatch them, good I get more ducks. Currently I have 3X as many ducks as I do LF chickens. My mama Serama is still taking care of her four babies. They are getting to be a good size and should be able to be integrated into the flock soon. I'm not sure that I want to do that though. Some of them are definitely mixes from the Frizzled Cochin hen that was there for a short while. I have a frizzled Serama/Cochin mix. I am still refusing to set up an incubator until Spring. I DO NOT want to brood babies over Winter. I will wait until it warms up and the brooder can be installed in the small coop again.

Roy, I have some snake questions for you. When you get a chance, will you call me? Well that is, if you still have my number. If not, just PM me. I asked the people at the pet store, because they also raise ball pythons, but they had no clue as to what answer to give me.
This is why you are so special and why you are loved so.
I think it might be easier to have the standard changed than for me to ever get the leg color changed in mine.
Yes, that's me. I had only a description of a jacket and a first name, so Friday evening I was wandering around, trying to read women's coats. Then I started asking people with the breeds she had if they knew Grace. No Grace on the exhibitor's list, and I was wondering inot only af "grace" wasn't her way of writing "regards", like some people say "Blessings". But I ran into you and your lovely children putting up birds and you reassured me her name really was Grace. You mentioned the"Poops" shirt, so the next morning I was back asking around about the about the Poops thing and heard she had blonde hair and was "tall". (isn't everybody?)

Anyway, tall woman, blonde hair, Poops shirt, looking at silkies....CityClucks, how could I go wrong?

Ya know Beth, when I was giving Melody a description of Grace, she asked about how old she was and I told her she was young.

So a young, tall, blonde in a POOPs shirt, looking at silkies....yep, I'd have asked if you were Grace too.

Too cute. My little one loved it. TY.
I need a new one now, he looks better with this tail grown in more.

Monty I am ready to send......I think.

Oh & black NN's have black legs.
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