Okies in the BYC The Original

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That doesn't sound "sick" to me, maybe if you had bought knobs shaped like chicken poop, then you could be called sick!!!

A whole bunch of funny today!
Hey everyone

I have not been on in a lil while, had alot of tense things go on here at the Four Little Acres and as fresh as the strokes on the key it is to type.. the trees are being ripped outta the ground to make way for a road to be put in for the family that was granted access to a piece of property they bought adjacent to their actual home, they bought the property when the sellers of our home split the property and granted them a 30foot wide access easement..

I found out some interesting things with Oklahoma laws regarding easements.... that even though we are the said owner of the property to which the easement is on we can not legally put up a gate, as that would be obstruction to their right of way on the easement... The only thing we can do is put in a cattle guard where our livestock lay... but seriously who can afford putting a 30 foot wide cattle guard? I know we cant ....

I think the most aggrivating aspect of this whole thing... is not so much the easement, I can respect the laws... what I am having a hard time fathoming is the fact the said party to who bought the 15 acres.. have no intention of using the 15 acres for their personal living area ect, but no other than to sell to a builder who can then use it as access way to the homes that will be planned back there:( They are increasing the value of the back 15 so they can ask a higher price... I will give them credit to being smart as business ventures goes,but they will not have my respect for the way they have behaved and treated us along the way due to the easement...

So I am taking this as a eye opener learning experience and words of advice to those who are seeking to buy.. MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO EASEMENTS and ISSUES ATTACHED TO THE LAND OR HOME TO THAT WHICH YOU ARE TRYING TO BUY.. because YOU may end up on the SHORT END of the stick... On the bright side I still have my chickens..lol

PEACHES: Sorry to hear he is on lock down.. hope he comes home soon
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Im sorry to hear that about the easment, but i know exactly what your going through. The woman my dad bought his land from owned the land directly behind ours which had no access due to the fact that it was all 1 piece at 1 time, and when she decided to sell it they had to cut a 30 ft wide rd. up the lenghth of his property to access theirs. Which turned out to be quite a slice considering he has a 10 acre square. It is quite apalling not to mention a slap in the face since she never mentioned any plans of selling when she sold to my dad, knowing she had full intentions of selling the land behind us. The only thing I can say is do your homework when deciding to purchase land.
m.ruzycki :

Im sorry to hear that about the easment, but i know exactly what your going through. The woman my dad bought his land from owned the land directly behind ours which had no access due to the fact that it was all 1 piece at 1 time, and when she decided to sell it they had to cut a 30 ft wide rd. up the lenghth of his property to access theirs. Which turned out to be quite a slice considering he has a 10 acre square. It is quite apalling not to mention a slap in the face since she never mentioned any plans of selling when she sold to my dad, knowing she had full intentions of selling the land behind us. The only thing I can say is do your homework when deciding to purchase land.

AMEN.. it has been a valuable lesson learned... we only have 4 acres and yep just like your dads... the easement cuts a 30foot wide up the length of our property to access theirs...
1 baby out! It's all black. I don't know what it is, a mix most likely. It was from my neighbor. I had two of my own in this batch and they have both pipped. I really hope they turn out to be buff orp x buff wyandotte.

Edited to say: NOW TWO! One very black and one very yellow! (None of my own babies yet)

#3 is out! She is one of mine. Seems very weak and not up moving around yet.
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I have been hard at work on pens...then the stupid stapler broke...sent the wife to see if it was covered...not power tools...darn...well. Just ordered a new one. will try and fix this one...not thinking it will go well...

Y'all have fun.

We are having pork tenderloin, fries, corn (yup we like starch)..I tried for fried apples but the Mom said we didn't have any and we didn't need to go to the store...so we aren't
Sooner here are my nn bantams. The black hen is the only dark legged one. One roo is half ccomet bantam,the other is half RIR bantam. The RIR and two hens have yellow legs the rest are white. I guess it doesn't matter for me since I am not showing them. I just want good feathersless necks and or small bowties.
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Here are two new pics of my piggy. I think I will rename her Holly,I can't get my thoughts wrapped around Noel!(old age I guess)
Today was the first day she let me pet her. Pet meaning scratch! She fell for the belly rub hok line and sinker!lol. I dosed her with baby powder as her skin was looking a little irritated ,I guess from the straw in her bed. At least she smelled a little better!
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