Okies in the BYC The Original

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Happy Christmas eve my chicken friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for sharing this. The young lady has a beautiful voice and I never realized that Navaho was such a melodic sounding language.
Merry Christmas!
,,<P.B.> I would say amen . Last year i had to work all night puting out salt an sand on the road's im so thankful about this weather wer having now it is just right..
Varmit's are still geting my bird's i have cot to manny coon to count an they just keep coming ..
no sale's next week except ..OKC swap on 23rd street ..
It is going to seem strange to have no auction available this weekend or next weekend, although I hope that the lack of an auction for two weekends in a row doesn't cause the Blanchard auction to be endless on the 8th.
I am wondering if there will be anyone at Mary's on NE 23rd tomorrow or Sunday. Do you know if they will be officially "open" or "closed?" We did our Christmas with the family this evening, so I might be looking for a place to wander around tomorrow or Sunday.
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Here you go Robin! Our start of a white Christmas.
Michael I heard the salt trucks out while I was taking these pics so I guess a lot of folks here are going to miss being home with their fammilys also. But They signed up for the job so I guess they have to expect that. Still it is neat in a child sort of way and there is a child in most of us I guess,for sure in me!lol
Hello, friends. The news from Lake Woebegone...

It's our youngest's birthday today. She is 25. We went to two movies at the cheap seats today to see Megamind and Unstoppable, a double feature. Two very different but extremely enjoyable movies. We were on the edge of our seats the entire length of Unstoppable. Exciting! Highly recommended.

We then went to two Christmas services, one at our old church (because our daughter wanted to and it's her birthday donchaknow) and one at our newly adopted one. Double feature there, too, I guess, back to back. Reminded me why left one for the other, though. We needed more than a social club. We needed a church that was actually making a positive impact in the community.

Plus the second service seemed more, oh I dunno... Christmasy?

Headed for Dallas tomorrow to visit our future grandbaby. Well, him and his mama.
Our oldest daughter is due in February. Already showering the little fellow with presents.

Also going to watch The Boys with my nephew. He's more fun to watch than the football game. He gets even more worked up at the coaching than I do!

Well, that's all I have to share, except...

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Goodnight!
Sooner I was just reading your and Montys conversation with"Kev" on the NN page. Lots of info to absorb! Boy that "Flower "person was sure being rude to you! You did a good job,I would have gotten myself throwed off the borad!

Welll Merry Christmas My wonderful Okie Friends. My God Bless you each and every one!
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