Okies in the BYC The Original

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Hiya PnB. I was less than enthused by the results of my FR project. I think it had more to do with management than anything with the birds themselves. I've actually had much better luck with my Dark Cornish/Delaware crosses. I'll try the Rangers again and correct some of my mistakes, see if I can do a bit better with them.

As for plans for 2011... well, I have to do confession time on the Meat Bird forum before I talk about that.

Let's just say for now I have had a change of heart on some issues.
Hi Buster, don't know if you have checked this out but thought you might be interested in it, Lynn

[email protected]

Hiya PnB. I was less than enthused by the results of my FR project. I think it had more to do with management than anything with the birds themselves. I've actually had much better luck with my Dark Cornish/Delaware crosses. I'll try the Rangers again and correct some of my mistakes, see if I can do a bit better with them.

As for plans for 2011... well, I have to do confession time on the Meat Bird forum before I talk about that.

Let's just say for now I have had a change of heart on some issues.
I thought I might show some of my flock, Hope I cen do it right and if so, hope you enjoy.
my standard Cochins (The hen is the only one I have laying)
there sure are a bunch of listings on the OKC Craigslist for a variety of chickens and other poultry. They are a wide range of prices and located from Edmond to Greenfield (north of Geary - where some others are listed for sale) to undisclosed locations. I don't recall ever seeing so much variety listed at the same time. I guess folks have had the first cold spell and don't want to go through the next one with too many chickens or pigeons or ducks or game birds.
The Blue is an Orpington, Al can tell you more about her than I can. Bought her at Blanchard auction. The EE which is at 3 o'clock in the picture around the water is one I thought might be a silver Americauna. I also have some Mottled or splash Bantam Chochins about 5 mo. old and about8" tall.
What is so special about a lbany Henny, are they extremely rare, they are asking $100 for one. I know absolutely nothing about Games.
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