Okies in the BYC The Original

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Hey Cuban there all gone and at new homes. But the kids "accidently" let a red dapple male get to my female so we are due to have more pups in Febuary. You should come pick one up

Anyone got a big Black or Blue Orpington Rooster for sale, please pm me. Im not on here often enough to notice it otherwise.
Red dapple realy isnt impressive, just a red coat with some light black spots. My black and tan dapples (silver dapples) where my favorites but there all gone. Should have somemore but i dont want anymore dogs lol. My daughter will try to talk me into keeping all of them.
I had just got on and was gonna write more and my DD alerted me to the fact we were gonna be late for the ball game we were going too so I had to go.
You can tell who the boss "isn't" around here.
hi guys- noticed tonite putting the flock away that barny the roo seems to have ripped his spur, almost like the outer covering- i put some neosporin on it, didn't have anything other on hand....what else should i do for it? we had noticed blood spots- now i know why
Finally got the pup to hold still long enough for a few pictures. Still haven't decided on a name.
Ursula = Little Bear
Camilla = Mythological Female Warrior
Corazon = Heart
Vesta = Goddess of Hearth and Home

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