Okies in the BYC The Original

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How about burlap bags for growing medium and just cut x where you want the strawberry plants and a drip line at the top on each side on a timer to water with? I like the PVC( it comes in sizes up to 12" and more!!) idea, you could make it removable to bring in in the winter. or use in a greenhouse. Lynn

I can do that, they will be a little heavier, and will definetly have to use more cedar, but this is a great idea.... I will draw it up to make sure what I have in mind will work for you. I am thinking on the enclosed end, add planters starting on the second course (8 inches off the ground) and having 4-5 seperate planters tiered on each side. this will still allow for good ventilation during the summer months and better insulation during the winter months. With each planter being about 10 inches wide and 4 ft long that should give you a great herb, and strawberry or whatever garden with the chicken tractor all in one.

I know some wheels would probably be necessary for easy moving, but I see a lot of possibilities. I thought about a water container too for irrigation. I thought about attaching some plastic planters on shelves to the sides. I thought about double layers of plastic lining and hardware cloth shelves for a few tiers with another weed block fabric layer or that new soaker/weed cloth to help hold everything right. I also thought about a pvc frame with the tiers 3" pvc with holes.

I thought maybe about stopping the tiers a tad short for a ventilation run at the peak somehow.....

Lots of ideas here, I just never know where to start. Should be a ready made plastic one already on the market.
I wouldn't be able to afford it though.
good evening everyone.finally got to slip to town for a little computer time.hope everyones stayin warm.we been tryin to .wind chill was 4 below this mornin an got up to a flat tire.had to drive my wife to work in our festiva with no heat.burrrrrr
I thought for the winter with heat from the birds inside and plastic stapled over the planted areas, they could probably just stay out. I also thought about mixing in those water pellet things that soak up and slow release the water.

That soaker/weed fabric you cut to size, secure with stakes and cut Xs for your plants then hook up a hose.

What can I say, I'm lazy. A coop I didn't have to clean, that would cut down on my mowing chores, that would replace breeder and grow-out pens and grow me some berries and herbs with minimal care..........
Banjo glad you found some hamburgs! That lady must really want those yokos!
Yeah I checked with guy who has those eggs on orloffs. He said had some that are about two months old. He wants $70 a pair plus shipping! To much for my blood! I may have to bid on the eggs if they don't go thru the ceiling! I'm saving the comet eggs so that when we come back I will have some fresh ones for you. You can give them to him or hatch them for him. Since I won't be able to set till spring I figured I'd save the eggs for you. Just don't think shipping would be safe right now. We hope to make it back either this monthe or in feb for aweekend.
where to start, do they have a "Breeding for dummies"???

Yes they do but I don't think you qualify!

I'm sure that I do! I read something and get confussed about what I thought I already knew.
Yes they do but I don't think you qualify!

Sooner, what exactly are you try to figure out and breed in or out? type, color, laying ability, feathering? Help me understand what you are looking for and i can help point you the right direction. Carl

Yeah that would be easy, you would think. I plan to start with a RED NN crossed with a RIR, I know that only a 1/4 of them will carry the NN gene that I want & then I will work towards getting the one's left after cull to be the closest to the standard.......I don't know what I am working on really because I haven't started & won't until spring.......I was just bored & so much about the genetic's talk goes over my head. Mostly I needed someone to talk to, where have you been all day? LOL, just kidding.
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