Okies in the BYC The Original

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Good Morning
Morning Pepper, cold here, got my beans ready to take to work, couldn't resist and had a small bowl for breakfast!!! LOL well I had to taste test them!!! Better get around an get stuff loaded. Catch yall tonight sometime. Lynn
Morning folks! Got the wife off to work,grumpy grumpy.
Its snowing! Funny that it is jsut slowly falling straight down but its accumulating faster than it did all day yesterday when it was blowing. But to day and tonight are the last fridgid ones then a warm up. 40s by sat!yeah!
We are suppose to get in the 40's too (tomorrow I think) funny how we look forward to that when it is still cold.

What's todays topic?

Maddie's little lemon blue roo decided to flog me again this morning, he was doing so good too. Glad I had a coat & gloves on or it could of been a bad day for him!

Hello everyone. It has been a long couple of weeks. I haven't even had time to lurk.

I didn't take the time to catch up on any post, I just jumped in on today. So what's everyone up to?
good mornig OK it is cold berrrrr but will warm up a littel the next copel of days

BANJO TOPIX OF THE DAY lets post pic of your birst and talk about spring

here are some of my birds in bantam and them in FL lets see yours
Been away for a bit. I've been very busy with union president business.

We finally have a contract! By ironically saving our own retirement plan by agreeing to cuts in benefits, the City Council rewarded us with a 5% raise after some tough bargaining.

Of course, by saving that retirement plan, we saved the City's bond rating, as they are now unable to hide the millions of dollars of unfunded liability from their books because of a new GASB rule. That would have killed their bond rating, which would have cost the taxpayers an awful lot of money.

So, by paying us more money, they ironically saved the tax payer's money. How great is that???

My coworkers wanted to settle for three percent, but I held out for 5%. They thought it was stupid then. They think it was brilliant now.

Just wanted to share that with someone. I'm so isolated lately. I'll check in more in the future.
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