Okies in the BYC The Original

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Uhh P&B I like that ideal! Brenda would never go for it tho.

So how are things on your farm today. I have a new dog. Its a one year old chocolate lab. Another craigslist find. Hopefully I have found a home for the new Aussie. He is just not going to work with my birds and other animals. I don't think he would intentionaly kill them but his herding instints make him want to chase them constantly.

Yeah! IOur snow is finally all melted today.
Now two more chances this week!
Please post a pic, I love labs... Mine is half - lab half ridge back she has this great big cow lick type thing
From the top of her head to between her shoulders.
When she gets upset it gets about 3inches wide..

Thank you all for the Frizzle information, I am going to do some research on this and will let yall know what I find. Micheal, I can not get pics on my phone, if you say he is good then he is good enough for me,call me and we can set up a pic up time, I will gladly pay you something for him!!!! Lynn
don't be hating or reminding a man about his rooster issues...it ain't neighborly...besides...there are too many of us for you to keep up with!

I need to get rid of some birds...so I can have some room for more!
Evening Everyone,
I cant believe the sun was shinning and being all beautiful like it was.. PTL... it was a spring tease for sure.

Really digging our new roosters we bought from the auction.. got ourselves a pretty boy americana roo (that we will be keeping)

Most of the them will go to pot this coming sat..

How is everyone else
Wow amazing there aren't any posts since 7:30ish!

I am just sitting down for the evening only to realize I forgot to eat something for dinner & I'm tired. LOL.

Got lots done this evening along with a 4H meeting. This place is starting to look better everyday. If only I were done.

Night ya'll see ya bring & early!
well guys i have been hatching with the teach method , since i have been running ragged lately , so i was surprised with 12 rir , and 5 silkie chicks the other night , and i have skipped dating some more eggs that are in the bators , but i do know they are all due to hatch this month except for the ones i got the other day lol which i remembered to date lol

in the bators now ....

coronation and split sussex

silkies , sizzles , and frizzles

blue slate , black spanish , and royal palm turkeys


blrw x lf cochin


blue and black sweedish ducks

wheres the quail and pheasant ? lol ........... actually quail are on their way ( brown, golden , tibeten , tuxedo, tenn reds , bobs ) , and im holding off to get more pheasants since i want to only have the lady amhersts ( however that is spelled ) my neighbor has several varieties of pheasants so i can get grown birds form him , and im thinking about trying out the chukar , but we will see how that goes
I have 2 blue cochin hen's that would go good with the friz roo...Talkd to Clif Adam's that liv's up by you he said his bird's are doing good he has alot of nice toppy's
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