Okies in the BYC The Original

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Morning onemom!
Rainy day here! Did I mention I hate rain!

Supposed to be chance of snow by tomorrow night and in the teens again by sat. I did get my pair of mondain pigeons with the babys moved back into the loft. The babys are feathered out and doing good now .Now I have the new Taganrog pigeon baby to bring in on the next cold snap.He is way to rare and expensive to chance with the cold.
Like the talk about pheasants.I used to raise red goldens. P&B you were talking about putting evergreen boughs in your pens for hiding. I used to decorate mine with clumps of sage grass. It grows about 2 ft tall and you can uproot a big clump when its wet. I just put the whole clump in the pen. They would peck gooddies from it. I would arrange a whole bunche of them in the pen and the hens would hide in them. Always kept a big dead branch proped up so the males could stand up and show off. They are a lot of fun. And they seem to poccess as much if not more intelligence than a chicken
Yes., our main problem is limited cages.... and the fact no one wants to get in over their head

I have 50 show coop's you are welcome to use any time..They are standard pen's...

You mentioned that you had 50 pens available if we needed them. Well the show is a lot more popular than I thought it would be. We have already reached our 400 bird limit and entries are still coming in. Actually Grace hasn't even got her entries in. She was waiting to see how it was going and we got a ton of entries in last week. We may want to increase our limit to 450 but we don't have enough pens for that and I remembered your offer.
If they are still available we would like to use them. We would need to work out a way to get them down before the show or at least by Friday morning when we do setup. I didn't know if you were coming for the show anyway and I talked to some of the guys and we would be glad to cover your gas for the round trip but if not we and if not I could meet you somewhere.
Let me know what you think.
By the way....your inbox is full
I won't be able to make Chupps as I will be sleeping on the floor with a bunch of 4H kids that weekend. Thanks for the offer & I will touch base once I know when I get to go.
I won't be able to make Chupps as I will be sleeping on the floor with a bunch of 4H kids that weekend. Thanks for the offer & I will touch base once I know when I get to go.

Would this be Feb 18th ??
I won't be able to make Chupps as I will be sleeping on the floor with a bunch of 4H kids that weekend. Thanks for the offer & I will touch base once I know when I get to go.

Would this be Feb 18th ??

No our weekend is before that.

What is the letter you daughter needs & what is it for?
Oh we are going the weekend after you then... too bad...
She is working on a fundraiser. The letter in question is just
a simple letter saying that they know of Oklahoma County 4-H
and Yonna and that they support it... Simple really... They would
add the letter in with the fundraiser request.
I'm alittle slow today, is the letter stating you will donate $$ or just that you support & know your daughter? Who would get the letter when sent out?

We only have one fundraiser a year & that is the Queen contest is that how yours works also???
Just that you know and support Yonna and 4-H. They would then add the letter to a package
of info about the request. This fundraiser is something she is doing on her own, threw the ext
office. She will be mailing this out to local business or groups that have already expressed that
they may want to be a sponsor. It dosnt look like our county does any fundraising that I can see.
What is the queen contest ?
Hmmm, what's the teach method. Keep the bator running, just put in eggs whenever, take out babies when you see them?

Glad to hear he's doing better Poco.
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