Okies in the BYC The Original

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evening...just got in from Bible study and am contemplating ice cream....it is cold and I don't need it but it sounds good...I will try and stay in here and chat..

Al- that is horrible...my wife likes all those home improvement shows and house hunter stuff...makes me wonder if she is planning on moving or moving me out
Good evening everyone!

Did someone say it was 9PM... Kiddos are watching american Idol and 9PM is there bed time... LOL

Fixed Hot Dogs for the kiddos and I had me some Icecream for supper...

Suppose to get cold and icy tonight. Hope we dont lose any birds....
When I moved north (yes I consider here way north)...anyways...I was introduced to the custom of having cinnamon rolls with chilie...I thought it stupid....then i partook cuz I ain't one to turn down food...I now believe it is a great idea...

I am going to pass on the ice cream want though...I like buying smaller pants
I am forced to, my laptop is on my desk next to the TV........................


Al! there is a reason they call them LAPTOPS!

we are addicted to NCIS, and occasionally the weather channel...seriously, we don't watch much tv- tapes we have- oh and Dr Who of course

we are all set for the weather- stove is goin strong, birds buttoned down and eating popcorn - the state food right?
Guess I'll have to work on making some rabbit hutches tomorrow. I would rather have wire cages but they are hard to find around here. I have rabbits double up in every available pen!hope they don't hurt each other to bad fighting! Looks like I will keep four out of fifteen! They are dwarfs but not good ones,about twice as big as they should be,still smaller than ,regular rabbits.
I feel for you AL & sorry I ran off on ya but my ribs were done! They were great even got leftovers so I could have them for lunch.
I understand and represent the NCIS addiction...well...not that LA one...I don't like it. Also a little addicted to the CSI shows and well Law and Order...I really like COPS but they don't taze folks enough and they almost never shoot them...

Any chance any of those dwarfs gonna make it to POOPS? I could use some hens...
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