Okies in the BYC The Original

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I don't think I said sell them all off. Just that you might want to sell a few in order to have room for some new ones. Being the law abiding citizen you are I know you wouldn't want to have too many.
Hi City,
Haven't seen you on here for awhile. Everything down here is about the same.
Getting rid of your of flock can be sad, I did it last year myself.the up side is I used the money to get some breeds that I had been wanting for awhile.

I am already a scofflaw pertaining to the number of chickens I have - please don't tell on me! I'll sell 11 hens. I will keep the 5 birds I got at POOPS (3 Marans from Poco Pollo & 2 RIRs at the auction), so I'll have a few layers to tide me over while waiting on the new flock to start laying.

The ladies were quite upset this morning and would not come out of the coop. They think it unconscionable that I never installed a television in their coop - or even a radio set to the news - and they complained loudly to me about not being made aware the snowstorm was coming. The fancy Brown Leghorn, one of the white EEs, and one of the Barred Rocks decided to crowd into one nestbox and glare at me when I went out to water. I put a couple alfalfa flakes out in the run for them to walk on, but they refuse to come outside. Divas.
I will be on here more often now - I am done with some of the projects that have been keeping me away from the computer, although I won't have as much time as I used to have to hang out and catch up on posts.

Good to see you Don - are you doing okay? I do remember when you got rid of all your birds and am glad you have chickens again - I noticed you're even working on breeding projects - good for you!
Sounds like you have a plan and are ready to go.
What assortment of hens do you have?

If you had made the alfalfa to look like a runway and added some lighting they would have thought it was the Miss America Hen Pageant and walked right out into the spotlight.


Ya'll need to get to researching diseases of the blood, blood vessels, and such...well that is what I told my class...won't have anyone tomorrow...big tournament going on...

Okla - that isn't a bad price on the snake especially since it comes with everything...I don't need all that so i don't usually bid on all that...there was a snake at the Blanchard auction one time I went and they wanted $70 for everything...if it had been $50 for everything I would have done it...maybe...kinda dangerous taking in snakes like chickens you never know what they are carrying and such...You should get it...Ball pythons are a blast...

Micheal...save me a few of them stencil homers...and yellows!

Lynn - we might be brothers...my dad got around...my other relatives did too...so you never know! I am fairly certain Monty is a relative as well...wish I had gotten some of the size...

back to teaching...well...observing...
City- I forgot I talked with your folks the other day...I gotta get over there and see his new set-up...he was telling me a little about the atering system...I might get a little envious and start wanting to keep up with the Jonesesesss...hope I got enough ssss ons theres
You are so right about the runway Monty!

Here is the list of hatchery-quality hens in fabulous condition.
-Buff Orpington (1)
-Dark Cornish (1)
-Brown Leghorn (1)
-Black Australorp (2)
-Barred Rock (2)
-White EE (2)
-Rhode Island Red (2)
dark cornish you say...good big legs?...broad breast...I have this roo that doesn't have a hen and that just might make a decent combination considering the cornish origin and this bird's lineage....when you coming to visit me...i mean your folks again?
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