Okies in the BYC The Original

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When you guys all get on here together it's just too funny!

Teach - you will not believe all the stuff Dad has built. He has a heated, air conditioned building with individual apartments/kennels called the Pet Quarters, and the Chicken House he is building is paneled inside with old wood he got from a house he tore down in Goodwell - I mean the old, OLD wood that people back East would pay big bucks for. My dad just likes to build stuff - and everything he builds has plumbing in it...makes me tired just thinking about all the work he does. Definitely go over there and look at his setup - you'll want to move in.
I agree - and it is good to see you posting today
Marybeth : Are you working today or off for inclement weather ??.

Enjoying lunch at my desk. The State began business an hour late this morning, which was nice. The roads were not too bad at 8:30. All of our schools are closed today.
Just a quick question, what should I have to pay for show quality chickens, I know that breed will have something to do with it.
I paid a fair amount for some good breeding stock,but not show stock

Don ?
It varies all over the place depending on the breed and the breeder.

Show breeders spend a lot of time and go to a lot of expense to get the birds to be what they are supposed to be. So when they do sell they them they want a lot more for them.

Ask Donnie about the Buff Orpington pair he got at Shawnee.
What I like to do is buy "Show Culls" but only if I am using them for my own flock or breeding projects.
They are good healthy birds from great stock but have a little flaw that would disqualify them at a show.
I bought two definite show quality Langshan hens at Shawnee for $10 each.
I saw some Silkies at the Show that were $200 so the price can fall about anywhere.
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