Okies in the BYC The Original

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You are correct about the breed and breeder. The prices can be all over the board. You should be able to get some good show quality birds from local breeders for around $30-$40 a pair. Some breeds, like Silkie and NN, can run much higher. You can also find some for less but you really need to know what to look for if you are going to show in sanctioned shows.
... I feel really bad for not being on here in... months... I feel like I was ignoring family or something.
I'm gonna try and read as many back posts as I can....
Thanks Monty, I know when I was buying pedigree rabbits and show stock i had to pay more..I was thinking it was the same with chickens.

Stray - I haven't been on here for months either and I felt the same way. Good luck on catching up - I gave up already... But how are you? What's happening in your life? What chickens do you have these days? How is school?
Grace'sDad :

You are correct about the breed and breeder. The prices can be all over the board. You should be able to get some good show quality birds from local breeders for around $30-$40 a pair. Some breeds, like Silkie and NN, can run much higher. You can also find some for less but you really need to know what to look for if you are going to show in sanctioned shows.

I don't think that I want to show, I just want the best breeders, you. Know a lot of people think that they have better than they do,
So getting an idea for price of show birds gives me more room to deal.
Thanks for the info

Yep. Owls will eat skunks, as well as other varments.

Skunks do have another preditor. (other than my 22)
That's the coyote. Who'da thunk it? They will keep them in check. Texas county in the Oklahoma panhandle hunted and killed ALL coyotes back in the 70s. Within a few years, they were over run with rats, skunks, possems and raccoons. The coyotes were re-introduced, and within 10 years, things were back to normal.
I've paid as little as $4 for chicks from show stock and as much as $75 for a SQ adult. Most I've gotten for around $20-$25 from 8-20 wks old. OK and MO areas. Every so often I've lucked into a really great deal, like some POL SQ Ameraucana pullets I got last year for $10 ea. $20-$25 ea is more the norm though.

Not sure if my kids have school today or not. It's certainly cold and we got at least 3" of snow, but it's the light powdery stuff. Not too bad IMHO. At 630am our public and surrounding schools were all listed online at KOAM as closed. Our school is usually late to post, but since we share services with the public they say whenever the public is closed, they are too. Sent the kids to change out of their school close and went about a lazy AM. About 9am I checked on KOAM and not only was our school not listed, all the surrounding schools were gone. So IDK

On the plus side, when I went to let the birds out this AM, there was a clear set of chicken tracks to and from the outside feeder and waterer. Guess our errant broody Sumatra is still with us despite the last two winter storms. Guessing in about another week we'll get to play "Who's the Daddy?"
show bird prices are kinda funny...

there are folks that think they have the stuff and want big bucks...then you have those that have the stuff but will sell for low just to get more folks involved...I have paid all over the range and gotten all over the range quality...there are lots of pigeon folks that I would love to have their culls...that animal may not have whatit takes but it is carrying the genes to produce the stuff...just takes patience and time to get it

there are a few breeds that there is almost no difference between show stock cost and regular bird stock cost simply due to supply and demand...lots of supply and not much demand for the show stuff and lots of demand for the regular stuff and enough folks that don't know the difference
I know where Texas county is! I also know it is fun to shoot coyotes in it...it is also fun to shoot those other things...I have a dead goat...I might need to shoot coyotes...
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