Okies in the BYC The Original

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Wow vebi - you better be careful - Teach97 is just down the road in Hooker and if he finds out you have game birds you'll have to put a lock on your coop!

Kassaundra - congratulations on your egg!
Hey found something for yall Silkie lovers out there, may already know all this but I thought it was interesting!!! Lynn

Wow vebi - you better be careful - Teach97 is just down the road in Hooker and if he finds out you have game birds you'll have to put a lock on your coop!

Kassaundra - congratulations on your egg!


Hey Teach!!!! Think she just called you a polecat er somupin like at!!!! UUMM huh!!! Ya best watch that there city girl now!!!! LOL LOL LOL
Who's planning to go to the Pryor show March 5? This is always a nice little bantams only show. A nice time for BYCers to get together, too.
Congrats to you and Kassandra both, it is so exciting to get the first egg, I am still facinated by getting new eggs from new birds and I been doing this for 40 some odd years now, I love chickens and pigeons!!!!

Hi Teach ol Buddy, where ya been, been watchin yer back fer ya!!!! LOL LOL LOL Well what are kin fer anyways!!!! Lynn

m.ruzycki :

got my first green egg ever from my new ameraucanas. How fun is that.​
I have already talked to the man on the phone! And I know his kin! well one of his kids anyways....talking about vebi that is

we are gonna meet up once it warms a bit...kinda dangerous visiting in this weather!

I got my flock watered...they didn't act real appreciative...kinda squwaked and a few made kinda rude noises...what do you expect from ducks...anyways...I came in...Houdini apparently decided that living outside was not for him cuz the boy found him back in his cage this morning...he shut it and he is still there...it night have been the snow...

New eggs are great!
Hey Lynn how are the ski ones doing?
Got any more new piglets? How is that last batch doing? My little gilt is growing ,it seems slow to me,I guess cause I look at her everyday.she started whining today so I would give her a treat! I think she is getting spoiled. Had to give her back her heat lamp tonight,supposed to get down in teens or lower.
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