Okies in the BYC The Original

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He raises bantams....Old English so I am safe...as long as I keep reminding myself they aren't american game bantams and...ya

pinkies!!! They are so cute...I really like it when they get to fuzzy status and then hopper...

that ain't right...that just ain't right

Howdy Al...irritating anyone tonight....there is a squable going on that I thought about getting into but I am not sure when the last time i got in trouble was and don't wanna chance things!
Before we got the barn cats we were over run with them.. The chickens loved them like treats,
Turn over a barrel and there would be a whole nest..

Wayne I know what you mean about typing on an Ipad..takes me twice as long

No Donnie,I didn't buy any at that sale,I sold some! The mates to theses parents!

Lynn I was just thinking about getting out the oreos and strawberry creme! Great minds!

Don/Teach I can spell but my fingers don't seem to type what my mind is thinking. Meds I guess!
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