Okies in the BYC The Original

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Thats O.K. We weren't there long, missed Mary Beth. I got too tempted by the Harlequin bunnys. I try to not look at Rabbits. I used to have a house rabbit and they are really fun pets but now - NO, and that is me saying that , not my DH. I know my limits so I just don't linger on rabbits.

What you really need is a Flemish Giant rabbit. They are called "Gentle Giants" because of their laid back personality. If our house were larger, I would make an exception to the "no animals in the house" rule for a Flemish Giant.
Jared is one of the best rooster catchers I have ever seen. He is the only one I have ever seen catch a rooster out of tree, by the legs.

He is getting pretty good at it.
Although tonight he was wanting to do things the hard way.
I convinced him in this situation, that Dad knew best.
Jared is one of the best rooster catchers I have ever seen. He is the only one I have ever seen catch a rooster out of tree, by the legs.

He is getting pretty good at it.
Although tonight he was wanting to do things the hard way.
I convinced him in this situation, that Dad knew best.

I'll bet the way Jared wanted to catch the roo would have been more fun that what you suggested - or least taken much longer
He is getting pretty good at it.
Although tonight he was wanting to do things the hard way.
I convinced him in this situation, that Dad knew best.

I'll bet the way Jared wanted to catch the roo would have been more fun that what you suggested - or least taken much longer

Exactlyright, on both counts!
Man I really wish I was gonna go now.
Sorry I won't get to see ya Stimp, but have fun anyway!


We had a great time. Got to see old friends and meet some new ones. I wish I could have visited with Carla and Gerald more, but maybe next time. I'm sure we'll see each other somewhere down the road very soon.

P&B I wished my rabbits were a little more layed back!LOl I was cathing them this morning and boxing up those going to the sale. I guess my gloves got all the buck scent on them and I had one buck and one doe bite my glove at the end of my finger and not let go! And while they were holding on they were trying to kick the fire outta me!lol I was sure glad it was just my glove and not my cold finger tips or it might not have turned out so funny!I have never seen a rabbit hold on like that with their teeth!
Anyway they sold fairly well and I was able to get my money back out of the whole bunch and still kept four. Two does and two bucks! I must be getting old,I know I don't need two more bucks!lol But they are cute! One is a little cottontail looking one and the other is a marbled black and gray.One doe is possibly a purebred silver marten and the other looks just like her only in steel blue and brown.
Jim : I certainly do like the effort you put forth on Da Bearssss behalf, perhaps that's the reason we are in the last round LOL. Although I am not sure on your choice for Tomorrow's game, perhaps you could cheer for Da Bearssss and then just tell your co-worker that you were rooting for the cheeseheads
in any case it will be as exciting as back in the day when these 2 teams were what football was all about, Playing for the George Hallas Trophy, the Black & blue division. Anyway Sorry you had a tough day processing, I can tell your getting better at it, it does kinda suck doing it when it's cold and windy. Take care and get some rest.

Da Bearssssss Wooooo Hoooooo oooooo

Man I really wish I was gonna go now.
Sorry I won't get to see ya Stimp, but have fun anyway!


We had a great time. Got to see old friends and meet some new ones. I wish I could have visited with Carla and Gerald more, but maybe next time. I'm sure we'll see each other somewhere down the road very soon.


You are looking great! I wish we had had more time to visit with you & Lou too.

The auction was so crowded tonight too. I wanted to move the chairs we were sitting in back to where you were, but with such a crowd, it was impossible.

Now, I'm ready to start reading some of your famous Stimpy quotes ... I've been missing those
We had a great time at the Blanchard auction tonight and of course Gerald had to buy the biggest things there at the end of the auction, so we had to stay & load up at the very end. We finally made it home.

I think the highlight of the evening was seeing Stimpy & Lou. It was great to see so many BYC Okies there! Of course it's always a treat to listen to Gerald & Al cut up all evening. Al, I especially loved your imitation of the manager at the Chinese Buffet.
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